Author Topic: Argue here  (Read 4808 times)

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Offline odeon

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Re: Argue here
« Reply #90 on: May 21, 2011, 11:18:08 AM »
I hope DD is all right. I haven't seen him here in a few days. :-\
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Argue here
« Reply #91 on: May 21, 2011, 11:20:09 AM »
Bodie -

Nobody has ever said you are in a relationship with Benji or that you have feelings for Benji.  What I said was he picks a single female member and goes to work on her.  By "working his magic" on you I mean that he is engaging in thoughtful and intelligent conversation with you in PM, something that even you have to admit he is certainly not doing anywhere else on the boards, or in PM with anyone else either.

And it appears to be working inasmuch as he has you convinced that I2 is a group of bullies who gang up on certain members, or at least you say so to him directly when you plus his karma:

bodaccea (+406/-8)   benjimanbreeg (+103/-38)   +   you against a bandwagon   In topic   May 19, 2011, 03:04:44 PM

Now Boddi, show midwife for the tosser he is, and tell him who messaged who  :zoinks:

Even that seems very slimy of you Benji. Bod appears to want to be your friend, but not be part of your argument. You appear to be putting pressure on her to back up your version of events. A decent person would not do that to a friend.

You have also implied that Bod has called us retards to you via PM. Once again, that is not a cool thing to do to a friend. If she had wanted to publicly call us retards, I'm sure she could have done it herself. I doubt if she really wanted you to do it for her.

If this is how you treat your friends, I wouldn't want to see how you treat your enemies :thumbdn:

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Argue here
« Reply #92 on: May 21, 2011, 11:27:04 AM »
Shooting too kill isn't the same as making a sport out of chasing them across the country though

I just don't get how anyone can enjoy hunting tbh

I know it's kinda hypocritical as i eat meat. although only chicken lol

I would never enjoy killing any defenseless animal though, and certainly wouldn't turn it into a sport

Same as working in the slaughterhouse.

Yes I agree. Sport is and should be different to random slaughter
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap


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Re: Argue here
« Reply #93 on: May 21, 2011, 12:40:22 PM »
OK, maybe the term "Alpha Male" is objectionable.  What I mean is a little more subtle than that.
Have you ever noticed male puppies humping one another? 
It's not that the puppies are really homosexual; it's about establishing dominance in the pack.
That's the funniest shit have read here in a while. :laugh:


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Re: Argue here
« Reply #94 on: May 21, 2011, 12:41:14 PM »
You have also implied that Bod has called us retards to you via PM.
Missed that. Where is this implication?

Offline Adam

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Re: Argue here
« Reply #95 on: May 21, 2011, 12:43:47 PM »
I have called people here retards via pm before lol

I'm pretty sure those people know I feel that way though :P


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Re: Argue here
« Reply #96 on: May 21, 2011, 01:53:13 PM »
Was curious as missed it and would rather read it myself.

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Argue here
« Reply #97 on: May 21, 2011, 02:06:33 PM »
Was curious as missed it and would rather read it myself.

Its funny that anyone neutral, away from the sheeptards, thinks its you lot who are the tards  :laugh:

He only really appears to speak to Bod, so it's a fair assumption that he was talking about her.


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Re: Argue here
« Reply #98 on: May 21, 2011, 02:10:23 PM »

Offline Callaway

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Re: Argue here
« Reply #99 on: May 21, 2011, 03:16:02 PM »
Now Boddi, show midwife for the tosser he is, and tell him who messaged who  :zoinks:

I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.  She has messaged me as well, does that mean I too am as special as you?  It seems to me that she doesn't want to be dragged into this.

And I am no "Alpha Male", far too spazzy to even try.  :autism:

OK, maybe the term "Alpha Male" is objectionable.  What I mean is a little more subtle than that.

Have you ever noticed male puppies humping one another? 

It's not that the puppies are really homosexual; it's about establishing dominance in the pack.

You think that MLA and Benji are "even metaphorically dry-humping" each other? To establish who is the Alpha Male here?
Oh shit.....what is thought can not be unthought.....aaarrrgggghhhh!!!!!

Besides we all know that the Alpha Male at I2 is .............................


Obviously, DirtDawg is the alpha dawg.  :dawg:


But yes, I do see it in that way.  Benji is tragically butthurt that he was banned from WP (not realizing how precious second chances are there) so he makes his digs at MLA, who makes some funny digs of his own back.  Just look at how Benji calls himself "midwife's" piece of meat and how MLA says he burns for Benji and how he wishes he could quit him.  If that's not metaphorical dry humping, then I don't know what would be.


I see most of it as extremely funny, although I thought Benji's blackmail or extortion part was not funny at all.


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Re: Argue here
« Reply #100 on: May 21, 2011, 07:51:18 PM »
It's just verbal irony  :zoinks:

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Re: Argue here
« Reply #101 on: May 21, 2011, 07:57:45 PM »

Offline bodie

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Re: Argue here
« Reply #102 on: May 21, 2011, 08:08:43 PM »
Reply to various points - in no particular order

My virgin internet been cut so i only have my dongle.  It is like a phone line connection, only slower.
More like a wind up connection.  It is taking forever to load a page and i am trying to get quotes.
May have to deliver them later...we'll see

@ whom it may concern
During the first callout between MLA and Benj (the one where MLA had told Benj he was banned
On WP)  I had to laugh at the term ‘midwife’.  Callaway also saw this was quite funny and she
Made a comment indicating if he ever did show up for this callout she would have to ‘yay’ him for
It.  I made a mental note to do the same.

I don’t know if she ever did do this, however I forgot. 

During another thread Benj made another silly joke that made me laugh and I remembered
I hadn’t plussed him for the ‘midwife’ gag. 

I plussed Benj and pm’d him just to say that he had made me laugh.  Had several discussions
With him since.  Just some random stuff.  No magic involved. 

Re: MLA calls out Benji (again)
« Reply #104 on: 19 May 2011, 18:36:29 »
Reply with quote
Quote from: Butterflies on 19 May 2011, 18:32:39
Quote from: benjimanbreeg on 19 May 2011, 18:16:43
Its funny that anyone neutral, away from the sheeptards, thinks its you lot who are the tards laugh

I had midwife squirming like a little pussy.  And butterfly is getting all defensive about her self esteem in the other thread  Laughing Out Loud  But yeah, you're winning odeon, mummy's little soldier.

Does this apply to everyone who is neutral, or just one person who also keeps karmaing you? Facepalm! Facepalm!

As much as I like that person, I think her positive reinforcement is what is maintaining him here.  If he is a socially retarded mental midget, then I am fine with continuing to use him as target practice, but if he is literally mentally retarded I am beginning to feel like a bit of an asshole.

Can you please confirm that you aren't retarded Benji?  I'm starting to feel bad.

The first part "Its funny that anyone neutral, away from the sheeptards, thinks its you lot who are the tards  laugh"
  Why is it taken as gospel that it refer's to me!! 

He only really appears to speak to Bod, so it's a fair assumption that he was talking about her.

It may be an assumption.  It may seem fair.  I have to say it is untrue.
He may only appear to speak to me,  but that is not a fact in which to base an assumption on.  I think
he speaks to others here but they have not made any comments for one reason or another.
I still don’t get why I am implicated here?  ‘away from the sheeptards’ could be read to mean away
From this forum.  I have only spoken to him here, so never really ‘away from the sheeptards’  I think
he could be referring to someone at WP or someone who is no longer posting here.

As I won’t quote from my private messages I will just say  i did not say that.
‘Retard’ or ‘tard’ is not a word I use when I make conversation. 
I may use it in response if someone else has already used it, and I got no real
problem with the word but have a family member with down’s and it is just not a term I would use.

Have to wonder why I am automatically associated with anything Benj says. 

but by far the worst insinuation so far
  I'm not really sure what it means.  He calls himself "Emlion's piece of meat" on WP because his MO is to pick out a lady and "work his magic" (can you guess who he picked here this time?),

so from your response it was referring to me
  Bodie -

Nobody has ever said you are in a relationship with Benji or that you have feelings for Benji.  What I said was he picks a single female member and goes to work on her.  By "working his magic" on you I mean that he is engaging in thoughtful and intelligent conversation with you in PM, something that even you have to admit he is certainly not doing anywhere else on the boards, or in PM with anyone else either.

And it appears to be working inasmuch as he has you convinced that I2 is a group of bullies who gang up on certain members, or at least you say so to him directly when you plus his karma:

To me "working his magic" implies that i was somehow brainwashed by Benj.

I have to go to bed now but i will continue this tomorrow

blah blah blah

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Argue here
« Reply #103 on: May 21, 2011, 08:27:13 PM »

He only really appears to speak to Bod, so it's a fair assumption that he was talking about her.

It may be an assumption.  It may seem fair.  I have to say it is untrue.
He may only appear to speak to me,  but that is not a fact in which to base an assumption on.  I think
he speaks to others here but they have not made any comments for one reason or another.
I still don’t get why I am implicated here?  ‘away from the sheeptards’ could be read to mean away
From this forum.  I have only spoken to him here, so never really ‘away from the sheeptards’  I think
he could be referring to someone at WP or someone who is no longer posting here.

I believe you 100%. If I had to take the word of either you or Benji, there would be no contest. I do think he meant you. That certainly doesn't make what he said true though.

I would imagine Benji was probably just lying to score some points. The fact that people were obviously going to assume that it was you is unlikely to bother him.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 08:48:19 PM by Butterflies »

Offline Callaway

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Re: Argue here
« Reply #104 on: May 21, 2011, 09:03:04 PM »
Reply to various points - in no particular order

My virgin internet been cut so i only have my dongle.  It is like a phone line connection, only slower.
More like a wind up connection.  It is taking forever to load a page and i am trying to get quotes.
May have to deliver them later...we'll see

@ whom it may concern
During the first callout between MLA and Benj (the one where MLA had told Benj he was banned
On WP)  I had to laugh at the term ‘midwife’.  Callaway also saw this was quite funny and she
Made a comment indicating if he ever did show up for this callout she would have to ‘yay’ him for
It.  I made a mental note to do the same.

I don’t know if she ever did do this, however I forgot. 

During another thread Benj made another silly joke that made me laugh and I remembered
I hadn’t plussed him for the ‘midwife’ gag. 

I plussed Benj and pm’d him just to say that he had made me laugh.  Had several discussions
With him since.  Just some random stuff.  No magic involved. 

Re: MLA calls out Benji (again)
« Reply #104 on: 19 May 2011, 18:36:29 »
Reply with quote
Quote from: Butterflies on 19 May 2011, 18:32:39
Quote from: benjimanbreeg on 19 May 2011, 18:16:43
Its funny that anyone neutral, away from the sheeptards, thinks its you lot who are the tards laugh

I had midwife squirming like a little pussy.  And butterfly is getting all defensive about her self esteem in the other thread  Laughing Out Loud  But yeah, you're winning odeon, mummy's little soldier.

Does this apply to everyone who is neutral, or just one person who also keeps karmaing you? Facepalm! Facepalm!

As much as I like that person, I think her positive reinforcement is what is maintaining him here.  If he is a socially retarded mental midget, then I am fine with continuing to use him as target practice, but if he is literally mentally retarded I am beginning to feel like a bit of an asshole.

Can you please confirm that you aren't retarded Benji?  I'm starting to feel bad.

The first part "Its funny that anyone neutral, away from the sheeptards, thinks its you lot who are the tards  laugh"
  Why is it taken as gospel that it refer's to me!! 

He only really appears to speak to Bod, so it's a fair assumption that he was talking about her.

It may be an assumption.  It may seem fair.  I have to say it is untrue.
He may only appear to speak to me,  but that is not a fact in which to base an assumption on.  I think
he speaks to others here but they have not made any comments for one reason or another.
I still don’t get why I am implicated here?  ‘away from the sheeptards’ could be read to mean away
From this forum.  I have only spoken to him here, so never really ‘away from the sheeptards’  I think
he could be referring to someone at WP or someone who is no longer posting here.

As I won’t quote from my private messages I will just say  i did not say that.
‘Retard’ or ‘tard’ is not a word I use when I make conversation. 
I may use it in response if someone else has already used it, and I got no real
problem with the word but have a family member with down’s and it is just not a term I would use.

Have to wonder why I am automatically associated with anything Benj says. 

but by far the worst insinuation so far
  I'm not really sure what it means.  He calls himself "Emlion's piece of meat" on WP because his MO is to pick out a lady and "work his magic" (can you guess who he picked here this time?),

so from your response it was referring to me
  Bodie -

Nobody has ever said you are in a relationship with Benji or that you have feelings for Benji.  What I said was he picks a single female member and goes to work on her.  By "working his magic" on you I mean that he is engaging in thoughtful and intelligent conversation with you in PM, something that even you have to admit he is certainly not doing anywhere else on the boards, or in PM with anyone else either.

And it appears to be working inasmuch as he has you convinced that I2 is a group of bullies who gang up on certain members, or at least you say so to him directly when you plus his karma:

To me "working his magic" implies that i was somehow brainwashed by Benj.

I have to go to bed now but i will continue this tomorrow

Sorry about your internet, Bodaccea.

I can't remember whether or not I remembered to plus Benji specifically for "MidwifeAspie" but I checked his karma log and I have plussed him a total of 22 times, including a time in that date range where he made me laugh.  I remember plussing him in that thread for his abs in a picture MLA copied here from WP and Benji told him to keep the pictures coming.

I didn't think calling someone a "tard" sounded anything like you and it makes perfect sense that he is probably talking to someone who has never been a member here or who isn't a member here anymore if he's saying "away from the sheeptards."

Of course, I don't believe that we are "sheeptards" here either.