Bodie -
Nobody has ever said you are in a relationship with Benji or that you have feelings for Benji. What I said was he picks a single female member and goes to work on her. By "working his magic" on you I mean that he is engaging in thoughtful and intelligent conversation with you in PM, something that even you have to admit he is certainly not doing anywhere else on the boards, or in PM with anyone else either.
And it appears to be working inasmuch as he has you convinced that I2 is a group of bullies who gang up on certain members, or at least you say so to him directly when you plus his karma:
bodaccea (+406/-8) benjimanbreeg (+103/-38) + you against a bandwagon In topic May 19, 2011, 03:04:44 PM
OK just so I can follow this.
I presumed that the person here who is the "new piece of meat" or whatever is going on in signatures over there on WP was you
So I inferred that your comments about who Benji was "apparently" working magic on was you.
I further assumed that Bodie of the wrong end of the stick in what she saw was a diorect reference made to her as being "influenced by Benji and "worked on" or whatever.
Is this actually really the case? You were thinking that Bodie was in fact being influenced by Benji on the basis that she saw a bit of a gang up or pile on?
If so not only do I REALLY disagree and not see it but I think it is pretty presumptuous.
From her perspective and her opinion if she sees a lot of people getting down on Benji individually and at the same time it will look like a ganging up regardless of whether it is or not. Whether she says on the board or by PM or in a karma description, it sounds like her opinion.
What you insinuated is that she has been "groomed or coached or led" by Benji and formed this opinion which differs to you (and me for that matter) by Benji.
THAT is something that you probably need to back.
The relationship or whatever? Nah I think you did not allude THAT far but you did allude to him "grooming or coaching or leading" her. Different opinion and perspective or not, I think you draw a fairly long string on this one and I would be keen to see how you back the insinuation.
Simply put. From what little I know of Bodie I doubt this is the case and i think you are unlikely to be able to back this. I would like to see you explain this though.
Maybe there was a reason why it seemed like the whole site was coming down on him? It's not about following the crowd, it's about calling out someone who's been behaving like a cunt, again and again. You have the right to your opinion, obviously, but it seems to me that you are ignoring any behaviour that goes against your picture of him.
People think i'm a cunt, and people think you're a cunt. Kapeesh? This is an internet forum, i'm not gonna talk about flowers and fairgrounds.
I would hope you fucking didn't 
My take (Simply put)
* You can be pretty fucking funny, witty and insightful 
* You can be a complete asshat (and all that entails) 
* You are shit at backing yourself and make a lot of generalisations and allusions and seem to skew things all kinds of fanciful ways 
* You do defend yourself and don't run from what is put to you 
Overall? real problem.
A lot of people think that I write a lot, am an arsehole, have silly values and argue over fuck all. They may be right.
That said I expect people will pull me up when they think I am in the wrong and I don't have an issue here and i expect that if I think others are in the wrong that I will take it to them too. It doesn't matter to me if i take an unpopular stance and get attacked for it. Nor do I feel bad taking it to someone making an unpopular stance regardless of what others do.
I won't agree with you with everything you say Benji and i will likely argue with you a bit. No biggie.
Well midwfie said you always say it how it is, so that must all be true
I don't think anyone's opinion of me is valid though, not even my own. We need paranoidms elle to use her cereal box degree in psychology and analyze me 
I have no idea what you are saying here...again.
Are you saying that it MUST be true BECAUSE MLA says so? If so why?
Are you saying that it MUST be true AND he says so? If so why?
Are you saying you believe it to be so and you note he agrees on this and you are talking shorthand?