Maybe there was a reason why it seemed like the whole site was coming down on him? It's not about following the crowd, it's about calling out someone who's been behaving like a cunt, again and again. You have the right to your opinion, obviously, but it seems to me that you are ignoring any behaviour that goes against your picture of him.
Wasn't defending his behaviour at all. Was just saying he never been a cunt to me, so not really able to do it back. I have noted some of the things he has said, and yes would
agree that 'cuntish' defines it - but i also seen him say stuf in his posts that have indicated he doesn't want to continue down that road. That could just be my interpretation, as
i don't think anyone else picked up on it.
Not asking anyone to be nice to Benj. Nice

In the uk 'nice' is something written on biscuits. I don't care who is nice to who - i only really got involved when i saw people
were speculating his intelligence was equal to plant life. I know that is not the case. That was really my only point in the debate. I wouldn't even attempt to defend anyone on
an internet site (only myself) as i got no real way of knowing what is true, or what lies behind it.
Taking a step back, i think some folks who argue a lot on here, make a meal of things just because they like to argue

I don't. This is not my shit.
Just to clarify my picture of Benj is not some sad puppy dog at all. Guessing he probably likes to have the row too. I am not feeling pity for him, just felt i
should say he is not thick or retarded when it was implied. I am going back to posting silly pictures now anyway