side-note: I once belonged to such a sensitive forum. I was not allowed to insult anyone yet was told by a few members that followed me around saying I shouldn't be allowed around children and such things because of my fetishes. I was not allowed to criticize though, because they are opinions. I was told they were giving opinions not insults, and I cant stop anyone from following me around. I eventually got bored with the place and came here.
Which forum was this Eris?
Marilyn Manson official: babylon
and the funny thing is , I was a member of that forum since 2001, but it closed in 06 I think. A few of us ( including Zegh) had our own private foum for a while then that closed too. The official opened back up last year and I was a little late to the party, and not many original members were there and it just wasnt the same
Zegh always tells me I belong there and everything, but there are only maybe 5 people there left I even care about and I can talk to them whenever I want - so, its just not the same place to me
It never used to be moderated like that either

there was an issue where a mod told someone to kill themselves tho, and that is why it closed down in the first place. Its the "official" manson forum so they have to be paranoid of such bad publicity. He gets enough.