schleed, after a full circle of "debate", you can conclude that im a "lazy cunt", congratulations :]
squid, i got school stipendiums when i was a student, and much the same deal as you, except i didnt recieve any extra money, due to being undiagnosed. i was diagnosed a month ago. a month.
in other words, ive been _trying_ to fit in, _trying_ to study, i TRIED university, TWICE, you didnt know, but you shouldnt assume that i didnt do shit, just because you didnt hear about it before. ive tried jobs, ive tried job courses, ive tried all sorts of programmes - all this, while recieving the very very _minimum_ of gvt payout.
i recieved the absolute minimum for 7 years straight
last year i convinced them that _something_ has to be wrong with me, despite just being a prick, they took my word for it, and upped my payment slightly.
NOW ive finally gotten my official diagnosis, and i still am on the 2nd lowest form of payment.
altho it may seem like it, i havent just farted my way through life...

now you know all this, so if your STILL determined to start refering to me in 3rd person, like im some retard, and be some sort of "enemy" of mine, then its your own call. i have nothing against you OR schleed, in case you think this is some sort of word-war