fine, i put words in your mouth, you put words in mine. this gets us nowhere:
I didn't put words into your mouth. I pointed out the hypocrisy of your stance.
i am critical towards society. thats all. you had to be a smartass about it, and i got _genuinely_ confused.
So I'm not supposed to question you? All hail lord Retardington! 
i didnt say IM the rebel, i said i LIKE rebellion.
im not art, i like art.
im not food, i like food :b
Hmmm... let me see...
i LIKE rebellion, and i like antiauthoritarian attitudes, i do NOT like "the establishment", and i dont give a fuck if others think thats immature of me, that i should conform (like they did), and "get a job".
You've basically likened yourself to be someone who is rebellious there, so you basically think you ARE a rebel. You've also basically said you're an armchair activist that doesn't have the balls to do anything but whine and be a hypocrite.
This isn't putting words into your mouth, that's reading between the lines. 
thats inventing stuff thats not there: putting words in my mouth

see this is why i dont like the whole "callout" idea, its all about being a wiseass w words :b
but if we HAVE to play that game:
1. i like rebellion: it means that i like when it happens. i like when people _react_ to an opressive regime. sure, they can do it for me, i dont mind. sue me.*
2. i like antiautoritharian attitudes: yes, yes i do. just because someone has been appointed to be an authority, doesnt make it a universal fact.
3. i do not like the establishment: no, no i dont. its boring and uninspiring. there are exceptions, but i dont really feel a need to add a little list of exceptions, every time i post an opinion. dont worry, i will from now on**
4. 1, 2, 3 doesnt make me "think" i am a rebel. you say it does. i am here, i know it doesnt. your just guessing.***
5. i hate "activism"

6. PLEASE dont tell me you think i should "get up and DO something" about the parts of society i dont like, please please please, i always imagined you as brighter than so.
* i dont consider norway oppressive
** exceptions would be opinions i post purely for effect, such as insults or such.
*** i admit, i am guessing that your guessing, i cannot know this for sure
**** hate/dislike, since its mostly pointless, unless we're talking actual revolution
squid, do you work?
how do you buy lunches? you mug people? i considered mugging people, when times were really bad