I locked those threads because retards with nothing to say keep on bumping them. It happens on other forums all of the time, except it's the moderator who locks them.
If you weren't such a retard yourself , we wouldn't bump them to annoy you which youve proved works 
So another
for you fuckwit. 
Go ahead and just de-karma me as often as possible. It just shows that you're even more pathetic than I am. 
Not really , you get annoyed by it so you're way ahead of me in measures of "patheticnes" 
I bet you just can't WAIT to de-karma me again! Rub it on your belly and suck it up, why don't you?
Because of how butthurt it makes you?
Why yes , very observant of you. 
You did it again, you son of a bitch! Laugh it up, homoboy, because at least I'm STRAIGHT! 
'Yes is did and look how butthurt you are. 
you're being straight means nothing, Hell and god don't exist so you can't use that , plus at least I'm attractive enough to end up with a partner , you on the other hand , will only ever have pigs. 
Gay partners don't count, homo. That just says that you were too girly to get a girl. 
Partner = a life partner of any sex.
I'm not too girly to get a girl , I plain don't want one.
You fail again Penty-tard 
You... don't... want... a... GIRL?!?
That's bullshit and you know it!
I believe that the only reason any man ever goes queer is because he cannot find a woman who likes him!
You might hate women, but every man loves a pussy! 
No not really , men are hotter 
Also if thats the case why haven't you turned gay yet? , most women'd run a mile if they saw you.
Plus thats bullshit , if you're going to make a statement like that back it up.
And finally , I don't hate women I'm not attracted to them , plus there are plent yof gay men far more manly than you 
No, but thanks for helping me build this great quote pyramid. 
Because you can't back your claims

Thanks for proving how wrong , retarded , sensitive and weak you actually are.