
Author Topic: WTF company spies on customers  (Read 1378 times)

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Re: WTF company spies on customers
« Reply #45 on: May 06, 2011, 04:34:28 PM »
My parents took the law in their own hands and simply took me out of school when I was 9. They forced the authorities to put me in a school where I wasn't bullied. All parents should be like that.  :viking:

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Re: WTF company spies on customers
« Reply #46 on: May 07, 2011, 12:45:22 AM »
^You were lucky. I went to seven schools and got bullied at all of them.
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Re: WTF company spies on customers
« Reply #47 on: May 07, 2011, 01:08:16 AM »
My parents took the law in their own hands and simply took me out of school when I was 9. They forced the authorities to put me in a school where I wasn't bullied. All parents should be like that.  :viking:

I went to school with my daughter every day (as a sort of bodyguard) for the rest of the school year after the teacher choked her and we insisted that the school district move her to a different school when we finally were able to meet with them.

I had been frantically searching for a better school for our daughter, but the fact that she had an IEP that had to be followed made finding a better school for her difficult because many places wouldn't take her.  We considered moving to the attendance zone of the elementary school in the district we considered the best for her needs, but the district agreed to move her.

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Re: WTF company spies on customers
« Reply #48 on: May 10, 2011, 05:52:34 AM »
$610,000 is nothing really. they must have been poor people. They could have had an extra 0 onto that.
Can see how someone might not be interested in bankrupting a public school. Shouldn't have been about money at all, except maybe covering legal fees, but rather privacy laws. 400 images is two weeks; someone was perving on that kid pretty hard. Didn't see where anyone even lost their job, much less received any jail time.

If someone lost their job over it, it probably would have been handled quietly, like a teacher being strongly encouraged to take an early retirement, because there are teacher's unions who will back their teachers no matter what.

When I had the job as a bus assistant, I was strongly encouraged to join a union for bus drivers and assistants.  I was told that if I joined and then was ever sued for any reason having to do with my job, the union would hire a lawyer for me.  The school district would give me legal representation to the extent I acted as their agent, so if I was acting within my job description, I would be covered by the school district, so I didn't join the union.

When the special education teacher physically abused my daughter by putting soap in her mouth and then choking her, she was not acting within the scope of her employment and therefore could have been sued personally, but we didn't sue because what we wanted was to get our daughter the hell away from this special education teacher and the school, which had become associated with some horrible memories for her.

OMG Callaway that is horrible,  the teacher can't be right in the head to do that..that is shocking.  hope your daughter got over it, so you found a better school
i hope?

We found a better school, or actually four better schools now, but she hasn't gotten over the abuse after seven years.  She's still afraid that her new teachers will hurt her, so she lashes out at them.  She can't even bear for us to drive by her old school, which is about a half mile from our house.

 I'm so sorry for the ongoing suffering this bitch caused your daughter.  Ill wishes to the bitch, big hugs and brave thoughts to your daughter.  :hug:
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