But that's telling it like it is, because you even said you want to keep him on the site! 
He is obviously attention seeking and manipulating, as pointed out by other members he even admitted to it.
I don't mind if he stays on the site or not. TBH I think this is the best place for him. Probably the only place where he can act like a dick without being banned, and where at least some of the members are prepared to put up with him.
He is clearly an attention seeker, but I'm not sure that he is being deliberately manipulative. I'm not even sure that he's capable of it. I certainly don't feel manipulated by him. I barely give his situation a second thought when I'm not interacting with him.
I do feel sorry for him though. His life sucks, and he has little hope for the future. I know that the majority of the blame lies firmly at his feet, but I can't begin to imagine what it would be like to live his life.
I also know that if it wasn't for some extremely good luck, I could very easily be a girl version of him. A big part of why I have a happy life is the fact that some people are prepared give me help, or to look past my aspieness and be friends with me.
Just read your new post. Not sure where he's admitting to being manipulative.