Ignoring him proved nothing as he kept acting like a retard. Trust me, if you were on the forum more often then you'd realise that too.
The main problem is the people appeasing to him, the likes of Butterflies and Queef. He kept on going because they decided to feel sorry for him.
Don't blame me. Penty isn't being a dick to me, so I've no reason to be cruel to him. I'm not even sure why you want him to leave. If you dislike him, then surely you get much more ammusement from him staying and having his meltdown than if he just disappeared quietly 
BTW, who's Queef?
Queef is QV. Fishy as fuck and never gives you a straight honest answer, just like a vaginal fart.
As for appeasing him, it only gives him fuel to stay and allows him to manipulate you lot further so he can appear "misunderstood" and "unloved". So what if he doesn't annoy you? He fucking annoys nearly everyone else and we shouldn't have to put up with it because some eejits are bleeding-heart wankers. "Oh no! He's really misunderstood! We should ignore his bad behavior and treat him like a child!" Fuck that complete and utter bollocks. He knows right well what he's doing, all he wants is attention.
Before you point the finger at people annoying him, realise this: We're all playing into his stupid game. He's not exactly trolling but he's playing everyone like a pack of cards.
Despite nearly everyone's dislike of him, the only way for him to stop his bollocks is that he either leaves or gets banned.