it seems one of the most difficult thing to admit, especially on the internet.
just now, on another forum, a forum oldie argued with another autie i know there, telling him the same old arguments: i can work, then so can you. i dont need welfare, so you dont need it either. you should function like i do.
"but you arent autist" i explain
and then i explain these very fundamentalistic basics: everyones different allready, and autists are yet differenter - for the very reason: theyre autists. there IS more struggle, normal things ARE a bit more difficult.
she told me i was right, and that she was wrong in her assumptions.
i was baffled.
it gives me hope in mankind.
i notice that everywhere tho, people are terrified to be deemed as "wrong", because they think it threatenes everything they stand for, which it doesnt.
giving someone else the right, which i have done myself, when deemed appropriate, is a relieving situation, and more people should do it