*checks guys out*

Wtf eris? Why are you making me check out all the guys, when do I get to check out girls?
Hi peeps, damn so many replies... o..kk.. here we go. Hey Jack, hey Butterflies, hey hubert cumberdale (O_O), hey Theo, hey Al Swearengen, hey Sexy cthulhu, hey Semicolon (Oh darnit, rest of the posts were you muckers spamming)
Thats an interesting list indeed Al Swear. I made half way through and couldnt take it anymore. MY EYES. THEY BLEED. Nah jk. I just have stupid ADD. Cant be patient enough to read long stuff. But i'll read it somehow.
It took me freaking 5 mins to figure out there is a reply button down there, was thinking it was weird that there's no way to reply to threads and I was almost concluding it as my account is still blocked. GORRAMIT I m blind!!!
Anyway... Nice meeting you all.