I've never seen people as butthurt as you and butterflies on wp about my posts on there, so much so that you both took so much interest in a twitter account you thought was mine, and then you coming to post at me on here, so stop pretending you don't care
then you proved yourself to be just the retarded I suspected by having the maths skills of an infant and looking even more of a retard assuming that I couldn't see the elder forum 
Twitter account?
Dude really where are you getting this stuff from?
I think you're a sad little maggot who isn't worth my time , if you have (or don't) have a twitter account I couldn't care less.
Actually I've been here since september , I joined here ages before the parakeet incident and when I replied to any of your posts at WP
Also I don't pretend , If I care I say I care , If I don't I say I don't.
Also the phrase is "Proven yourself to be the retard I suspected" , I may have the maths sills of an infant (I am shit at maths I don't really care tbh though) , but at least I don't have the grammatical sense of one too.

I didn't assume you couldn't view the elder forum , I just didn't think you cared enough about my posts to then go and route for how I looked.
You're the one that's obsessed with forum drama here Benjy, not me and not Butterflies.