Gender is superfluous online.
So are you anyone on wp? Squid hates me for some reason
He obviously cares a lot about my online life, bless.
I don't ever remember stating I hate you actually.
You're too pitiful for me to waste my tame hating , so you can forget that one. 
Btw , I've noticed that a lot of your responses to people are:
"They have no life"
"TYep yep. Nice try. You're still obviously throwing toys out the pram from when I was murphycop. I was being more than my usual dickhead self on purpose then, so don't take any of that to heart. I did you were a complete retard, but who isn't.
Well at least i'm learning that online problems aren't real. Its easy to get carried away, we all do don't we? Lets just shake tentacles and forget the sillyness. hey care about my online life"
Projecting? I think so.
Yep yep. Nice try. You're still obviously throwing toys out the pram from when I was murphycop. I was being more than my usual dickhead self on purpose then, so don't take any of that to heart. I did think you were a complete retard, but who isn't.
Well at least i'm learning that online problems aren't real. Its easy to get carried away, we all do don't we? Lets just shake tentacles and forget the sillyness.
I didn't realise you were murphycop actually , but thanks I now know where to look if I need ammunition against you. 
And really this isn't anything to do with online "problems" I thought you were acting like a twunt so I called you out on it.
Don't like it? go and cry over at wrongplanet deal with it.
Yeah you did, cause it was said on this site months ago. So don't lie, you've still got anal pain about what I said. I'm sorry squiddy fliddy.
Are you under the influence that I care as much as you about online life? Yeah, i'm still a bit pissed about how WP is run, but thats just me being stupid, as in, its just a website. You can say what you like over there, cause they will always stand up for your retardation. But the fact of the matter is, you'll always fail and be seen as a complete freak in real life 
I don't really keep track of who's who online , it's not as important to me as it obviously is to you.
I don't post at WP either , I did during the parakeet incident but that was it.
I know you'd like me to be pissed at whatever you said but really , I just enjoyed mocking you.
You are a weak and easy target , fun to annoy but meh , I should aim higher really.