Yeah you should do - I will make sure to throw it in your face when we do win 
Yeah I might try just predicting some scores. I'm kinda worried I'll get addicted tho and one day decide to bet a shitload of money on something. A few years ago I was convinced United were gonna win the european cup, so bought tickets to the final while we were in the group stages. Then we got knocked out by madrid in the quarter finals lol 
If Chelsea lose, i'll just start mutlple threads about wp, and get banned

Lol, thats called betting with your heart instead of your mind. You shoulda done that this year for wembley

Well its just the same as any vice, you have to have control over it, if you could make a pact with yourself that you just bet a fiver or something each saturday on a football accumalator, that wouldn't be bad, and better than doing the lotto.