Author Topic: People's views regarding transpeople  (Read 20603 times)

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #495 on: April 29, 2011, 11:56:58 AM »
Yeah, this thread is an interesting example of how this place works. I think it's been one of the better ones lately, because there has actually been some serious discussion and heated debate.


You could always start doing your "this is me..." drawings again if you want to spam, Soph. I love those.

I haven't done any of those for ages. I did shitloads back when I had my old computer - I have about 200 of them on my website iirc  :zombiefuck:

I haven't done any on the "new" MS Paint (the one on windows 7) so might give it a go later

maybe "here's me being persecuted for my gendertardedness"  :zoinks:

:rofl: :plus:
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Offline Adam

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #496 on: April 29, 2011, 11:59:11 AM »
I have about 200 of them on my website iirc 
Wow. Should have them bound into a book. Would make a nice gift for the mum.

my mum actually got a tiny little flip book thing printed with some of them in. Like the size of a credit card. I think it's in the background of one of the pics I took of my stuff yesterday, will have a look if I posted it on here or not later

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #497 on: April 29, 2011, 12:03:12 PM »
I actually did draw a similar thing on paper the other day when waiting and getting bored: - that's meant to be flo on the right (obviously a much smaller version of her :laugh: )

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #498 on: April 29, 2011, 12:04:04 PM »
and yes I know I'm no artist :P

it's a fun way to waste time though. my little aspie cousin used to love copying my drawings


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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #499 on: April 29, 2011, 12:05:43 PM »
and yes I know I'm no artist :P

it's a fun way to waste time though. my little aspie cousin used to love copying my drawings

I like it

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #500 on: April 29, 2011, 12:25:31 PM »
Not wanting to join the crowd on this but yeah I like the drawing too.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #501 on: April 29, 2011, 12:28:41 PM »
People say it's boring but I actually like having something to properly discuss or argue about on here. At least now and then. Just posting my random spammy shit isn't really intersting (to me or anyone else)

Yes I agree 100%.

I did say I like arguing and that is a little oversimplified. I like heated discussions.

Odeon is right. I would honestly like Rissy to stick around (after they backed their shit up some) but I think I will survive fine if they don't.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Rissy

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #502 on: April 29, 2011, 01:25:39 PM »
If we all just admit to being cis-sexist will she go away?  Will that be a "win", and she and GA can carry on with their lives in the peace and comparative security of ... wherever they fuck off to?
You don't even have to admit it but if you can't respect transpeople, what the hell do you care? I'm calling people on offensive behavior. I don't think this forum cares who gets offended by their views, but people still inform them when they are offending others. I'm not trying to make you care, I'm just calling you out on it. If someone wants to argue how transpeople should be treated, that's a seperate subject. odeon kind of brought that subject up but now wishes to tl;dr instead of continue it. Swearengen is on the edge of bringing up the topic.
I'm just responding. If people didn't continue to argue with me, this could of ended at tits. I've already said that the majority of people here aren't cissexist, and most people have said they would treat someone they loved/cared for in a non-cissexist way. But Swearengen and Semicolon is still unhappy with my argument so I'm still here solidify my argument to them. As they are asking of me.

Some beliefs are more valid than others. 1 + 1 = 2 is more valid than 1 + 1 = 3.
Wrong! 1 + 1 = 10
The context isn't the decimal system, it's binary. And in a context where decimal 2 is represented by the symbol 3, then 1 + 1 = 3 is true. You take so many beliefs for granted, and that's where your objectivity fails. You make assumptions on what is real and what is imagined. You then base you arguments on hypothetical foundations. Mutual agreement is not an argument because you're presuming that your environment and those around you are real. There is no way to universally prove anything so the only way to make sense of anything is to make assumptions. It's all about the context. And science vs religion fails because you're not on the same page. You've based your reality on different assumptions and you're only right in your own little world

If anyone was trolling it was your good friend Kayleigh. My reply fitted the context beautifully I think and I think that the only one who thinks different is you.
Quote from: Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions
   1. n.
      an ugly person; a grouchy person. :  Gee, that dame is a real troll. What's her problem?
   2. n.
      an internet user who sends inflammatory or provocative messages designed to elicit negative responses or start a flame-war. (As a fisherman trolls for an unsuspecting fish.) :  Don't answer those silly messages. Some troll is just looking for an argument.

   3. n.
      a message sent by a troll (sense 2). :  Every time I get a troll, I just delete it.

Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions by Richard A. Spears.Fourth Edition.
Copyright 2007. Published by McGraw Hill.
You both can be said to be trolling. But Kayleigh was ranting and preaching. Your 'fuck off Kayleigh' replies were made to upset her into leaving. You are free to disagree with my use of the word, but it is a fair use of the word.

Now you made what "may" seem like a decent argument in the "If they don't use "the right" pronouns, then they are cissexist. as it is "infraction-worthy. The act of doing do makes them cis-sexist." (Paraphrased)
However under any reasonable scrutiny this falls down doesn't it?
"If they don't use a prescribe set of pronouns =/= they think transgendered people are inferior"
No it simply doesn't mean that at all. People could use pronouns other than what you prescribe and not think any the less of transgendered people, nor think them inferior.
Are those people cis-sexist?
botty-burp is all about cissexual/cisgender priveledge. I'm sure Kayleigh has posted it before but I can't blame you for not wanting to read it. The difference between botty-burp and transphobia is like the difference between heterosexism and homophobia, or maybe sexism and misogyny/misandry. It's generally about pettier things and the difference in how the other side is treated more favourably. Compare it to white priveledge or male priveledge or whatever. If a cisperson has their gender identity respected but a transperson doesn't, they are being treated inferior to a cisperson. Ignorance or apathy isn't an excuse. There are plenty of people don't think black people are inferior to white people, but they still avoid black people and favor white people. If you've ever watched the italian movie Black and White/Bianco e nero, it had a father proclaimed to like black people but in truth only fetishized black females. Actions kind of speak louder than words and thoughts. And it's not like it's an over-all bad trait. But it's offensive to some people. And in calling some people cissexist, I only mean to point out offensive behavior.


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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #503 on: April 29, 2011, 01:33:13 PM »
If we all just admit to being cis-sexist will she go away?  Will that be a "win", and she and GA can carry on with their lives in the peace and comparative security of ... wherever they fuck off to?
You don't even have to admit it but if you can't respect transpeople, what the hell do you care? I'm calling people on offensive behavior. I don't think this forum cares who gets offended by their views, but people still inform them when they are offending others. I'm not trying to make you care, I'm just calling you out on it.

You are calling ME out on it?  Links, or it didn't happen.

As to the rest  :yawn:


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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #504 on: April 29, 2011, 01:49:17 PM »
Herp derp

Offline Semicolon

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #505 on: April 29, 2011, 02:21:45 PM »
Some beliefs are more valid than others. 1 + 1 = 2 is more valid than 1 + 1 = 3.
Wrong! 1 + 1 = 10
The context isn't the decimal system, it's binary. And in a context where decimal 2 is represented by the symbol 3, then 1 + 1 = 3 is true. You take so many beliefs for granted, and that's where your objectivity fails. You make assumptions on what is real and what is imagined. You then base you arguments on hypothetical foundations. Mutual agreement is not an argument because you're presuming that your environment and those around you are real. There is no way to universally prove anything so the only way to make sense of anything is to make assumptions. It's all about the context. And science vs religion fails because you're not on the same page. You've based your reality on different assumptions and you're only right in your own little world

But 10 in binary is the same as 2 in decimal. The context doesn't really matter; it's the same number, no matter how you represent it.
I2 has a smiley for everything. Even a hamster wheel. :hamsterwheel:

Quote from: iamnotaparakeet
Jesus died on the cross to show us that BDSM is a legitimate form of love.
There is only one truth and it is that people do have penises of different sizes and one of them is the longest.

Offline Rissy

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #506 on: April 29, 2011, 02:29:37 PM »
You are calling ME out on it?  Links, or it didn't happen.

As to the rest  :yawn:

No, I'm not calling you on it. You're just playing with this thread. Maybe I might call you on cissexist behavior sometime, but you haven't really expressed an opinion on it, or atleast, not one I wish to search for. But you were suggesting accepting the term to get rid of me. I was using 'you' collectively, and to apply only to relevant individuals. People like to believe that I'm forcing people to do stuff when really I'm just arguing the semantics of botty-burp and such.
odeon is probably the only person here that I'd label cissexist. Everyone else only ever show petty examples of the behavior, if at all.

Offline Semicolon

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #507 on: April 29, 2011, 02:33:32 PM »
Some beliefs are more valid than others. 1 + 1 = 2 is more valid than 1 + 1 = 3.
Wrong! 1 + 1 = 10
The context isn't the decimal system, it's binary. And in a context where decimal 2 is represented by the symbol 3, then 1 + 1 = 3 is true. You take so many beliefs for granted, and that's where your objectivity fails. You make assumptions on what is real and what is imagined. You then base you arguments on hypothetical foundations. Mutual agreement is not an argument because you're presuming that your environment and those around you are real. There is no way to universally prove anything so the only way to make sense of anything is to make assumptions. It's all about the context. And science vs religion fails because you're not on the same page. You've based your reality on different assumptions and you're only right in your own little world

But 10 in binary is the same as 2 in decimal. The context doesn't really matter; it's the same number, no matter how you represent it.

Also, while I am willing to argue philosophy and the fundamentals of reality, this argument is about transsexualism.
I2 has a smiley for everything. Even a hamster wheel. :hamsterwheel:

Quote from: iamnotaparakeet
Jesus died on the cross to show us that BDSM is a legitimate form of love.
There is only one truth and it is that people do have penises of different sizes and one of them is the longest.


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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #508 on: April 29, 2011, 02:35:28 PM »
You are calling ME out on it?  Links, or it didn't happen.

As to the rest  :yawn:

No, I'm not calling you on it. You're just playing with this thread. Maybe I might call you on cissexist behavior sometime, but you haven't really expressed an opinion on it, or atleast, not one I wish to search for. But you were suggesting accepting the term to get rid of me. I was using 'you' collectively, and to apply only to relevant individuals. People like to believe that I'm forcing people to do stuff when really I'm just arguing the semantics of botty-burp and such.
odeon is probably the only person here that I'd label cissexist. Everyone else only ever show petty examples of the behavior, if at all.

Your kind of attitude always interests me.  You insert yourself somewhere to take part in a discussion that has nothing to do with you, and now that you are here you will persist until you have shown everyone the light and changed the world.  I usually only see this behavior coming from evangelical Christians.

Are you here on God's authority to bring light to the wicked and save the sinners?

Are you here out of a duty to humanity to make sure all the spazzes are shown the proper way of thinking?

Or are you here out of an overblown sense of self-importance, and because you literally cannot conceive of a conversation in which your enlightened viewpoint should not be held at highest center?

Offline Rissy

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #509 on: April 29, 2011, 02:44:54 PM »
But 10 in binary is the same as 2 in decimal. The context doesn't really matter; it's the same number, no matter how you represent it.
The context still matters for understanding and communicating the point. I'm only using maths as a basic example since you used maths as a basic example. Logic itself is only relevant to the type of environment you have. While you can't perceive a different alien perception of logic outside the one logic that we have, it is theoretically there and comparing the two logics would be mind breaking. Maybe God is like that which is why religious arguments make no logical sense to us  ;)