odeon:You talk about me judging people, but what if i went around making sexist, racist and pansexist comment, I'm sure you'd judge me. I'm here for the argument. Judging you is something I can do without typing a single key. I'm sure there's some argument we agree on and I could respect you for that, but I don't respect your view on transsexualism and I'm arguing against your comments.
You are still not arguing, you are only judging.
The argument's about fixing the mind seem quite ridiculous and in that case, there would be the technology to turn everyone into puppets.
Yes, and the technology used for the sex change operations could be used to turn you into donkeys. But my argument wasn't about puppets. What is yours about?
Transsexualism is about identity, I mean, preventative measures to stop people being born like that might work, but to reprogram the mind turns you into a different person and what kind of fanatic isn't going to start making slaves out of it. It's not a bit of brain you can cut out, you'd have to destroy and rebuild the brain, or atleast some of it.
The mind totally trumps the body, and while there are still people wired wrong, you should consider the mind over the body. I personally have no regard for human vegetables, which probably makes me a bitch, but a living being is their mind and take that away, they become food.
You are assuming that it must be a large operation when there is little evidence of. consider the *significant* changes in personality by adding serotonin to the brain. Screaming "puppets" and "vegetables" is scare tactics, but probably because you are afraid it actually might be a trivial procedure, aren't you?
Arguing about word definitions is stupid too. Dictionaries are inconsistent with each other and all that really matters is common use. You seem to forget that language is constantly developing and changes in trends. You act like your view is pure science and physical perspective, but since you think in such black and white terms, you are a pathetic scientist. Or maybe you just have a god complex and want make everything conform to the way you want everything to be. A transwomen is programmed to be a woman and socially there's no reason to consider them to be a man.
There is every reason because when you are confused about a definition as basic as this one, you will inevitably be confused about any matter even slightly more advanced. Your "argument" is very much like a religious person's argument against science and scientists: "their religion is science", etc. Like them, you miss the point of having a well-defined vocabulary, especially when the definitions are as clear-cut as these.
I think you are a twat and until you prove you aren't I'm clearly winning this argument.
I can take the same stance. But that argues nothing, it just says that you consider yourself superior in your own head. Who was the one talking about fantasies? 
You already did, remember? I guess the reason why you quoted me out of context is that you are hoping nobody would remember why I made that comment.
Basically you are still judging.