Stupid computer... I lost my post.
Past history is an excuse why it'd be hard to change the habit of using different pronouns, but not an excuse to neglect them. I can understand you being bitter and disliking Kayleigh, but disrespect is disrespect, justified or not. Kayleigh's mistake was leading her on and marrying her. But you can't change the past. Justifying botty-burp on transsexualism upsetting a friend is about as much sense as being racist because a black man stole your wallet. It's not hard to treat a transgirl you hate the same as a cisgirl you hate.
It's late, so I don't have time to rewrite the post I made (And my hand is fractured, forcing me to one hand type) But I wasn't claiming to totally read Swearengen or anything. I was just presenting my basic analysis and perception. It shouldn't be remarkable enough to worry about. And I think you just have trouble understanding the language and tone I use, I haven't been backing out on anything I said. I've just rephrased it hoping for you to understand my meaning better. I consider it to be trolling when you seek to upset someone with irrelevant comments. The fact you admitted to attacking her gender instead of her behavior is where you showed signs of trolling.
You don't have to feel sorry for her or care about transsexualism. You just have to accept her gender, or atleast use female pronouns about her. It's just about being considerate. If you don't care, there's no harm in using female pronouns for the sake of respect. If you have a problem with using respectful pronouns, it's obvious that you DO care and are showing signs of botty-burp. You all seem to hate Kayleigh so obviously she's a poor subject matter, but you just need to live and let live...
Oh... and I guess i'll respond to odean tomorrow <_<
Actually no I didn't. I did say
Which do you think will have the greatest effect- attacking you personally for your woeful personality and bigoted arrogant views or attacking you as a transperson? i would suggest any member on this board you loathe to attack whichever has the greatest effect on you. As a result you may decide to leave as a result.
But i don't recall attacking Kayleigh's gender so make the claim...back it.
Two now of course back one should prove the other.
1) I have trolled Kayleigh in this thread
2) I have attacked Kayleigh gender.
No doubt having made the claims you will be able to back it as it is what you have derived your " basic analysis and perception".
So in respect to "You just have to accept her gender, or atleast use female pronouns about her. It's just about being considerate." in return Kayleigh will be considerate to people that do not wish to change the way they view, identify or name things, and will seek to treat them with as much respect as you both demend that Kayleigh gets treated? Sounds very fair.
That is what you are saying right?
As to your last bit about what is obvious and a logical follow on. Not at all. If nothing else in this thread has shown this to be false then at least consider that people will behave a number of ways for a number of reasons and whilst we can give educated guesses or "basic analysis and perception" it is likely to be flawed.
Being overly presumptuous about such things is a flawed attack and you have only to look as far as Kayleigh's textual vomit to see that.

Poor you, not comfortable with calling her "she" 
If renaeden can do it, then who the hell are you to refuse?
And I know I will get shit for this post, but I don't care. I think that's a pathetic stance to take
I think it is a little pathetic trying to equate Callaway with Renaeden.
Now rather than assume that Renaeden with be hurt and hate GA how about assume that Renaeden has a lot of memories and love still for GA which Callaway has and will never have. It would actually be more likely (though not easy) for Renaeden to be more forgiving and whatever.
Yet you seek to impose Renaeden's very moral stance towards other's here as a acceptable standard.
An analogy here is for someone to get beaten every day of their school life without retaliating because for them to do so is "condoning violence" or whatever. Sure it is a great morality but if that doesn't suit everyone and if they decide to defend themselves and fight back, that is OK too. Different morality but neither is worse, both are just different.
It is a perfectly simple and reasonable argument. Dismiss someone else's problems as crap and your own problems can be given the exact same treatment. Don't cry about others having an over-inflated sense of importance when you're just as up-yourself. Turning my argument on Kayleigh hasn't stopped it aiming at you too.
Every aspect of language is a social construct. It's out of your character to suggest that there is any divine reason for anything. And just like humans developed religion, they developed the basic, lacking classifications of everything. It was never black and white, it's just human nature to be lazy and not over complicate things. Life messes up all the time, so its not like its all that rare. When things fuck up so frequently, you might as well make room for it. Some cultures do actually have more than two recognized genders. There's more to life than reproduction and you might as well judge people on their actions and not on their make-up. What are you suggesting that transpeople do? The mind is the essence of a person. The body is just tasty meat.
Sure I don't mind you or others aiming at my "problems". I don't have issue with this. Did you for some reason think this was an Autism Support site or something? You seem to infer that we would have an investment in society treating us better? That we are having continued problems with society and would have people change the way they treat us?
People are people regardless and most people that know won't care and those that care won't know.
I know society will not change to fit in with my Autism I have no emotional payload over this. I make best of what hands I have been played. I will gladly work through every misunderstanding, embarrassment, humiliation, upset, confusion and isolation. That is life. Always has been. I EXPECT people will act like people and I will not expect or whine about the indifference.
Transgenderism is really a small thing in society. In real terms it affects comparatively few. It doesn't cost society that much and it has no HUGE impacts.
Hell, the supposed "Autism epidemic", has barely managed to blip on the society consciousness and they almost to a person think all Autistics are bloody Rainman.
You REALLY think that society will change?