Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist. -- Camille Paglia.
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Its not gonna do any good, O-man. We're just a bunch of hitleresqe assface assholes who hate niggers, faggots, spics, heebs, christians, sandniggers, chocolate sprinkles, and government cheese. ADMIT IT DUDE.
You don't hate child abusers?
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!
nice is just something written on biscuits.
How am I equating them with trans people? My post had nothing to do with the original subject of the thread. I am saying they are a group of peopleAlso you can apply what you just said to any "group." as a group it consists of individuals who are being judged by their own meritsJudged by their own merits = abusing children, in this case. But could also mean belief in x, y or z deity, if talking about religious people for example.
Cm'on, Odeon. They are right, we are wrong. Labeling things is smart, we are stupid.