wow thazt post was longer than I meant it to be, sorry 
That is about half the size of my average post. You don't have any reason to apologise.
As to answering the post. Think back Soph. I was attacking everything that you held of value and identified with. Your gender, your sexuality, your pets, pretty well anything. Why?
To piss you off.
Saying horrible things about Transgendered people or saying horrid things about your was not nice but it was in response to behaviours from you and Bint that I did not like an did was far from the only one (though i was by far the most brutal).
As I said then and now. All's fair. Shots were fired from you and Bint, my direction and my direction back and visa versa.
So do I consider it better or worse? I see it all as about on par. I did not whine or complaint or ask either of you to stop or apologise at any point.
Am I transphobic? No. I do reserve the right to like or hate or be indifferent to any individual and occasionally I do flame and am prepared to up the ante and get rather visceral and nasty, depending on provocation or desired effect.