Author Topic: People's views regarding transpeople  (Read 19268 times)

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People's views regarding transpeople
« on: April 24, 2011, 09:46:00 AM »
I've just been thinking about how dismissive a lot of people are towards trans people or are openly transphobic and how no one challenges it.  Even homophobes are usually called out on nowadays but transphobes are usually dismissed.  The other day TOW told me how in his Russian class, his professor said that she doesn't support, what she called, other people's "alter-egos" and refused to refer to a transgirl in the class as she and even forbade her to refer to herself as a she in Russian.  Which is completely fucked up.

Also, this article:

Notice how even when that woman is going into a seizure, at the end people just step over her and continue filming.

Not to mention, I couldn't help but notice that there is a very similar mood of indifference here.  A while ago parts made a comment about Kayleigh and no one apart from Soph challenged him.  Also, I can't possibly count how many times people have made jabs at Soph about his gender.  
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 10:10:15 AM by Binty »


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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2011, 10:03:35 AM »
No one has anything to say?  Of course not  ::)

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2011, 10:20:37 AM »
No one has anything to say?  Of course not  ::)

Four other people online. At least two are in a timezone where it is 2:15am and are likely going to bed or close to it.

As to your initial post. Yes there are people who will happily let others get beaten or raped without lifting a finger, transgender or not. Life sucks and people are as a whole are indifferent.

Make a decent or an interesting point and maybe people will respond. Or maybe when more than two others posting who aren't in go to bed timezones are awake to look at this thread you will get more replies.

Is this the kind of response you were after? I have no idea. Could be because I am indifferent or it could be that I have to be out of the house at 9 and it is 2:19am now. Which do you think? It is rhetorical. I am going to bed. All the best with the thread Bint. Hope you manage to make a point.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2011, 10:21:38 AM »
It mostly irritates me that transgender/transsexual persons often are childish and unrealistic, not the "transism" in itself.


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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2011, 10:22:02 AM »
Yes, it's terrible, and the transgendered may have a harder road to travel in attaining acceptance than do the gays. Didn't watch the attack video, but would have to guess in real life, likely wouldn't have gotten involved except maybe to exit the scene and call 911. As for this site, have read a bit of hateful shit. Sometimes comment, sometimes don't, sometimes don't even see it, none of which really says anything about me.

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #5 on: April 24, 2011, 10:32:56 AM »
I've just been thinking about how dismissive a lot of people are towards trans people or are openly transphobic and how no one challenges it.  Even homophobes are usually called out on nowadays but transphobes are usually dismissed.  The other day TOW told me how in his Russian class, his professor said that she doesn't support, what she called, other people's "alter-egos" and refused to refer to a transgirl in the class as she and even forbade her to refer to herself as a she in Russian.  Which is completely fucked up.

Also, this article:

Notice how even when that woman is going into a seizure, at the end people just step over her and continue filming.

Not to mention, I couldn't help but notice that there is a very similar mood of indifference here.  A while ago parts made a comment about Kayleigh and no one apart from Soph challenged him.  Also, I can't possibly count how many times people have made jabs at Soph about his gender.  

OK, I watched the video, which was difficult to see, but I didn't see it the same way that you did.  I saw people telling the two women to stop, the older woman trying to protect the victim and someone telling the women that they needed to leave the store, that the police had been called, and I saw someone move the trash can so the victim who was having a seizure didn't hurt herself on it.  I think that the people who stepped over her were the older woman who had been trying to protect her and maybe a store manager who was trying to make the two assailants leave. 

Was the person filming it using his cell phone?  Maybe he was filming it so the police could use it to catch and prosecute the assailants?

In the case of TOW's Russian teacher, maybe she is just going by the genders listed on the class enrollment forms.  I would think that if those forms were listed as the gender the person identifies with, she wouldn't have a leg to stand on.

In the case of GA, people here got to know him as a man first and then as a husband of someone we care about, so if people call him "he" instead of "she" I think that plays a big part. 

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2011, 10:53:53 AM »
What was the comment about GA?
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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #7 on: April 24, 2011, 11:06:02 AM »
No one has anything to say?  Of course not  ::)

Four other people online. At least two are in a timezone where it is 2:15am and are likely going to bed or close to it.

As to your initial post. Yes there are people who will happily let others get beaten or raped without lifting a finger, transgender or not. Life sucks and people are as a whole are indifferent.

Make a decent or an interesting point and maybe people will respond. Or maybe when more than two others posting who aren't in go to bed timezones are awake to look at this thread you will get more replies.

Is this the kind of response you were after? I have no idea. Could be because I am indifferent or it could be that I have to be out of the house at 9 and it is 2:19am now. Which do you think? It is rhetorical. I am going to bed. All the best with the thread Bint. Hope you manage to make a point.

You could say that about homophobia or racism as well though - that people are indifferent regardless of the race/sex/sexuality. Doesn't make the problem go away though. And that is the point.

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2011, 11:07:52 AM »
also I think the thing about people still referring to GA as "he" because of renaeden is mostly bullshit. That may be your reason Callaway, but not for a lot of people who call her "he"

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2011, 11:09:58 AM »
But people are indifferent, most of the time. It's when they start having definite opinions that I get worried.

I refer to GA as a "he" because a) I first learned who he was when he was most definitely a he, and b) because I'm mostly indifferent and habits kick in.
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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #10 on: April 24, 2011, 11:12:17 AM »
Habits do kick in yeah, I understand that, as I am used to referring to GA as "he" too and have done it myself, although I try to correct myself

I don't think it's much to ask to call her "she" though. It's understandable that this is hurting renaeden, but there's nothing people can do about that really - they have split up now and GA is a woman now regardless. If people are talking directly to renaeden that that makes  more sense, but in general all over the board, I don't see why people can't refer to GA as "she" now.


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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2011, 11:16:55 AM »
Oh god, don't even get me started on he/she. Funny story - I've always referred to Soph as a he. Until Facebook. Then I don't want to say she, because I view him as a he, but I know his Mum is on there. So one day when Carla was worried about Soph and I was trying to respond and needed to do it in 3 sentences, I referred to Soph in the third person in every sentence simply because I didn't know any other way to do it. I went back later and read it and laughed out loud because it looked absurd. :laugh:

Gay, straight, bi, trans, crossdressers. have friends who fall under those categories. Doesn't bother me in the least. It's the person I care about, not the title.


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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #12 on: April 24, 2011, 11:20:22 AM »
Habits do kick in yeah, I understand that, as I am used to referring to GA as "he" too and have done it myself, although I try to correct myself
Sometimes called Loup a he, but Loup was a he to me even though knowing otherwise.

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #13 on: April 24, 2011, 11:21:40 AM »
Oh god, don't even get me started on he/she. Funny story - I've always referred to Soph as a he. Until Facebook. Then I don't want to say she, because I view him as a he, but I know his Mum is on there. So one day when Carla was worried about Soph and I was trying to respond and needed to do it in 3 sentences, I referred to Soph in the third person in every sentence simply because I didn't know any other way to do it. I went back later and read it and laughed out loud because it looked absurd. :laugh:

haha I don't think I ever noticed that

I've noticed people doing that on this site though for some reason, as if they know I'm not a "she" but feel uncomfortable referring to me as "he" so keep saying "soph" repeatedly or even "they" lol. Which seems kinda weird to me and suggests quite a few people here really DO have a problem with me being a guy - and obviously I'm not married or ina  relationship wit another member, so it can;t be that

I have never insisted (or even asked, unless someone has questioned me about what I want) to be called he. Obviously I identify as he and I am a guy imo, but it is everyone else's right to call me she if they want. It is my right to judge that person for that too though, and I can't lie - I do

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #14 on: April 24, 2011, 11:28:45 AM »
Habits do kick in yeah, I understand that, as I am used to referring to GA as "he" too and have done it myself, although I try to correct myself

I don't think it's much to ask to call her "she" though. It's understandable that this is hurting renaeden, but there's nothing people can do about that really - they have split up now and GA is a woman now regardless. If people are talking directly to renaeden that that makes  more sense, but in general all over the board, I don't see why people can't refer to GA as "she" now.

With all due respect, GA is not a woman. He is someone who would like to be one, sure, but that alone does not a woman make. It's not right for people in his situation, nor those sympathetic to them, to hijack the definition just because they want it. Come up with another term, because this one is already consistently defined.

Call me a bad person if you want to, but I am mostly indifferent to the plights of these people. Live and let live, and all that. I will say this, however: I don't have anything per se against the transgendered, but I will also not abuse vocabulary and definitions I see as very well defined as well as reasonably fundamental to human reproductive biology and our society in general.
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