Lol~ Word-filter it all you want, but that's just going to make botty-burp your new favourite word 
If you want to be immature about it I can necro every available thread with discussion of botty-burp, but I can take a joke.
More advanced trolling is relevant to the topic, but in a way making fun of or provoking the subject. And the fact that it was a mocking argument making fun of an individual instead of actually debating the argument she made against you, it counts as trolling. Passive aggressiveness isn't necessarily subtle anyway, it's just about the attitude and method. Your response right there is perfect troll reasoning. I know because I can be a troll myself. It seems to me that your arguments consist of acting dumb and demanding evidence which you then reject. Are you just trying to troll me until I leave or are you actually going/trying to make a point against me?
You complain about all the links Kayleigh post around so why would you want me to post them? I'm not even complaining about most of the membership I'm mostly trying to debate with odeon. You don't do anything but pick at the wording I use. To avoid botty-burp, you have to treat a transwoman like a ciswoman and a transman like a cisman. The obvious infraction is refusing to use the right pronouns. Anyone here who does that is cissexist. It doesn't make a single difference what your opinion on transsexualism is, it's still botty-burp.
Now I'm not here to tell you what to do with your life, or what to believe. But I am calling people on their botty-burp and it's up to them to live with it or not. Other than that, I'm happy to debate with people over their justification for botty-burp.
bodaccea: While transitioning is a choice, transsexualism is just something you're born with, like autism. Since you were born with proper gender identity, of course you don't understand the feeling of changing your sex. If you want to ponder how if feels, just imagine all your everyday tasks as if everyone viewed you as a guy and responded as such. Getting past perversion at your own new genitals and stuff guys are allowed to do, you can't really express yourself in the same way and I'm sure it just wouldn't feel right.
Your second bit was to Bodaccea but the unnamed first bit might be to me or Parts or us all collectively. You really don't pin it down too well.
This bit
More advanced trolling is relevant to the topic, but in a way making fun of or provoking the subject. And the fact that it was a mocking argument making fun of an individual instead of actually debating the argument she made against you, it counts as trolling. Passive aggressiveness isn't necessarily subtle anyway, it's just about the attitude and method. Your response right there is perfect troll reasoning. I know because I can be a troll myself. It seems to me that your arguments consist of acting dumb and demanding evidence which you then reject. Are you just trying to troll me until I leave or are you actually going/trying to make a point against me?
seems like a half-arsed attempt at answering my call to actually back yourself.
And the fact that it was a mocking argument making fun of an individual instead of actually debating the argument she made against you, it counts as trolling.
This bit specifically I have shown was in direct response to Kayleigh asking why people would want to attack them. As shown so let's not say it was adjunct to the argument. It is more in line with the below. (summarised and paraphrased for brevity)
Kayleigh: Rarr you all are uneducated ignorant arseholes here are some links
Us: Fuck off Kayleigh
Kaleigh: You all are transphobic
Us: Fuck off Kayleigh
Kayleigh: I hate you all. Wahhh. I am leaving I won't recommend anyone to come here.
Us: Fuck off Kayleigh and Good riddance
Kayleigh: I don't know why you all hate me
(Now this bit is where I come in)
If anyone was trolling it was your good friend Kayleigh. My reply fitted the context beautifully I think and I think that the only one who thinks different is you.
So replying to this is necessary. I am not acting dumb and rejecting evidence. I am however demanding you back your claims as is the one rule on I2 as found on the entry home page
You don't actually get a special pass of exclusion or exception. Either you are not giving evidence or are doing it in a way that makes it very difficult to be understood. None of us are stupid nor willfully ignorant and so it comes back to you. You need to back your position and you clearly aren't.
Why is that?
I personally don't want you to repost Kaleigh's links again. We got all that the first time around and I refuse to read them on the basis that they were preached at me and in a condescending arrogant manner which made me want to ignore them. You were not asked to post link's to other sites. I believe your argument that we or some of us are cis-sexist (that is that we see transpeople as inferior) you need to understand our hearts and mind and I do not think you do. I think you are scrambling to prove that any of us hold transpeople as being inferior.
Asking you to prove such an extraordinary accusation is no trolling either nor is the asking for evidence a terribly onerous thing.
Now you made what "may" seem like a decent argument in the "If they don't use "the right" pronouns, then they are cis-sexist. as it is "infraction-worthy. The act of doing do makes them cis-sexist." (Paraphrased)
However under any reasonable scrutiny this falls down doesn't it?
"If they don't use a prescribe set of pronouns =/= they think transgendered people are inferior"
No it simply doesn't mean that at all. People could use pronouns other than what you prescribe and not think any the less of transgendered people, nor think them inferior.
Are those people cis-sexist?
Maybe they are merely uncomfortable in the use of such pronouns. Maybe they are unaware of the need to use them. Maybe they dislike change (what Autistics not liking change???). Maybe they think that the whole thing is rather silly and they don't get the importance of its necessity. Maybe there are a lot of other reasons for it that i have not rattled off the top of my head.
None of these necessarily give rise to someone thinking transpeople inferior get they all involve not using the "right" pronoun which you say necessitates a person thinking a transperson inferior.
(Again most people here just don't give a shit)
So again your "evidence" does not seem "evidence" at all. Your claims are not backed and I want you to simply do as you would be expected to do were you any other member here. Make a claim and back it.
Your two claims again.
1) I have been trolling in this thread
2) People here are cis-sexist (ie think transgender people are inferior to people that are not transgender)
Why are you struggling with this?