I always find TL:DR to be either a troll reply or simply careless ignorance. Either way, there is no argument from someone who replies with it.
But obviously judging someone by their personality is the best way to treat people, and obviously if you want to hurt someone, you pick at their weaknesses. But it's simply botty-burp, and Binty started this thread because people were quick to call people on racism and such, but not on botty-burp. The general reply is 'I don't give a shit' but it is a fact that's been confirmed by this thread.
And Schleed, the botty-burp I'm complaining about is the type you give to someone you don't hate.
Oh and Swearengen, why are you still crying for me to state the obvious.
"Which do you think will have the greatest effect- attacking you personally for your woeful personality and bigoted arrogant views or attacking you as a transperson? i would suggest any member on this board you loathe to attack whichever has the greatest effect on you. As a result you may decide to leave as a result."
That is called a troll comment. You're not debating with her. You're just provoking her. It's also a passive aggressive attack.
Not at all Rissy.
botty-burp" is the belief and treatment of transgender and/or transsexual people as inferior to cissexual (non-trans) people." You are touting this a lot and at the membership or members of and I am afraid it is on you to show that the people you are accusing actively thinking transgenderl people as inferior to cissexual. Yes it is not enough to keep saying the word. Nor is it enough to say "They are not as passionate as I", nor is it enough to say "They don't identify with transpeople in the way that I do". Show a derived mentality that underpins the concept that your accused DO see transpeople as inferior. Make a case. Back yourself. Because you are fast becoming both uninteresting and irrelevant.
I am saying that most of us (and this includes me, do not give a shit what gender someone is any more than we do their race, nationality or skin colour) you are saying we do....show it.
You made a claim
Odean and Al Swearengen are the ones that are being loudly cissexist.
you need to back it properly for it to be seen with any credibility.
As for what is or isn't a "troll comment"
Part of what is seen here as transphobia has to do with Kayleigh, not with the trans-stuff.
yes I think that is it. I saw it as some people just being irked by her personally, not that she is trans.
Then why couldn't they criticise my conduct instead of attacking me as a transperson?
I really have no idea why people have a problem with me. I guess it's a moot point really.
This was neither a passive aggressive attack (no I am not that subtle. Ask anyone...hell ask Kayleigh :lol: - I know, I know you did a bit of basic analysis

) nor was it a troll comment.
Kayleigh in the context of the above was questioning why anyone would want to attack their gender and I gave a very good reason why. It was in context of what was asked directly it was not left field.
I did not say there that I was attacking Kayleigh's gender in this thread and don't believe I have nor have I seen anyone else do so. Quite frankly find little merit in much of what Kayleigh says. But given the options of railing against Kaleigh's woeful personality or attacking Kayleigh's gender I would say the gender issues seem to be the ones more ready to get a response and would happily encourage this were I asked. Why, to have Kayleigh melt down and ran away.....again.
So again straight back at you.
Show botty-burp and show the trolling. Ought not be that hard if it is there to be seen and if it is worth raising in the first case,