Let it out Schleed the worst thing she'll do is whisper Big Fucking Peters into your ear whilst you sleep anyway 
We also have a "dodgy eyebrow club" going on at the moment, finding it quite hilarious. 
But cheers, she won't shut up about big fucking peters now. 
"Dodgy Eyebrow club" ? do explain. :lol:
And your fault for snoring so loudly

I kno, I know, I'd call you a faggot 
btw, do you view me as a guy or a girl? (or neighter?)
It's cool whatever you answer btw lol, I'm just curious.
And anyone can answer that if they want
I view you as a girly girl who loves pink frilly tutus and barbies

But no seriously I view you as a guy , when I first joined I thought you WERE a guy for like a month , then I saw your coming out as trans thread big "oops" moment.

(Yes you did what I did to Razorbeard almost
