Author Topic: People's views regarding transpeople  (Read 19887 times)

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #105 on: April 25, 2011, 05:09:30 PM »
Swords are braver than guns because you have to actually get up close to your victim, therefore giving them a chance to defend themselves

I wanna fire a gun though

I have never even held a real gun myself

I want a real MP38/40 :green:

I have fired rifles but never a real pistol.  :-\

On the other hand I have some pretty big mortars, even if they are made for fireworks and not to consider real guns. You load them with old fashion black powder.  :viking:


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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #106 on: April 25, 2011, 05:13:13 PM »

I don't believe that Parts saying that GA didn't have an operation but has learned to "tuck" was a transphobic statement.  

I thought it was meant humorously, too.

I do wonder how a MTF who didn't learn to tuck would wear a tight or clinging skirt or pants without sporting a penis bulge, though.
Kayleigh has also had the opportunity to voice upset, it it indeed existed.

You need to tuck better

Tucking is difficult...
Tucking is difficult...
Use duct tape then :zoinks:

Been there, done that.  :asthing:

« Last Edit: April 25, 2011, 05:15:24 PM by Jack »

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #107 on: April 25, 2011, 05:14:24 PM »

I do wonder how a MTF who didn't learn to tuck would wear a tight or clinging skirt or pants without sporting a penis bulge, though.

With the help of hormones?

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #108 on: April 25, 2011, 05:16:08 PM »
I don't think parts' comment was transphobic in itself. I think what Bint was getting at is the continued "humourous" comments that DO come across as bitchy and pathetic. It's one thing for people who get on well and exchange banter among themselves to take the piss out of each other like that, but what some of the guys here say about kayleigh does, to me, seem like transphobia when you take it all together.

I responded to that comment by parts because of that.

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #109 on: April 25, 2011, 05:47:30 PM »

I do wonder how a MTF who didn't learn to tuck would wear a tight or clinging skirt or pants without sporting a penis bulge, though.

With the help of hormones?

I don't think all the estrogen in the world is going to make someone's penis disappear, although it might shrink the testicles somewhat.

What it will do is exacerbate mood swings, which may be why GA seems even more sensitive than normal lately.

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #110 on: April 25, 2011, 05:50:18 PM »
Estrogen and testosterone blockers shrink the penis and testes

Sorry Callaway, but I will take the word of actually MTFs over yours here. Unless you have experience in shrinking your penis yourself? ;)

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #111 on: April 25, 2011, 05:57:43 PM »
Estrogen and testosterone blockers shrink the penis and testes

Sorry Callaway, but I will take the word of actually MTFs over yours here. Unless you have experience in shrinking your penis yourself? ;)

I looked on a TG clinic website at a handout they give MTFs considering estrogen therapy, but if you prefer to rely on anecdotal evidence, that's OK too.

Estrogen won’t make your penis go away. It can cause your testicles (and your prostate) to shrink.

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #112 on: April 25, 2011, 06:06:14 PM »
I don't think anyone's claiming that estrogen makes the penis magically disappear...?

And again, I'll take the word of someone who's experienced it first hand over yours


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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #113 on: April 25, 2011, 07:11:41 PM »
Changed my mind just slightly. One last post before my account is deleted per request.

I might be a self important blow hard. But I'm hardly arrogant (any more), or bigoted. I find it laughable that a troll like yourself, Les, would call me bigoted in the face of all these transphobic comments here.

And yes. They were and are transphobic. "I won't call GA she because it's too difficult blah blah", that's transphobia. "You're not a woman because a woman is x,y,z" that's transphobia. And transmisogyny.

I would invite you all to read about privilege. Specifically cisgender privilege (cis is the opposite of trans, so cisgender is someone who identifies with their coercively assigned gender).

The penis can shrink with HRT. I know first hand. My endocrinologist told me it was a possibility. He also said that the testes will shrink, and they did.

In the FAQ you quoted Callaway, it seems blatantly obvious that they're referring to the penis disappearing entirely. I have to suspect that you're just twisting it to serve the point you started to argue before realising you couldn't win it.

I'm also beginning to wonder if all those callouts against you had some merit. Though I do recall at the time, unlike some arselickers around here, I actually took the time to consider them from all angles.

I have to say I love your comment about hormones and mood swings. Not only is that transphobic and transmisogynic, but it's also straight up misogyny...And you're a woman! Hilarious stuff, comedy gold.

Yes, HRT has afforded me the wonderfully uncontrollable ability to swing my moods about. But ask renaeden to support this, I took about an hour or so to compose my thoughts before replying to this thread. I wasn't just reacting like some sensitive teenage girl (which I probably am at this point of my 2nd puberty, but eh *shrugs*).

Am I too sensitive for I2? Yeah probably. But I think it's a good thing. I do worry about all of you and how insensitive you've all become over the years. I think for some of you I2 has become a little fantasy world you can lose yourselves in, where there are no rules and requirements of tact and regarding for others' feelings. I may be too sensitive for I2, but I worry that some of you, maybe all of you are becoming too insensitive for the real world.

I'm sure someone is going to reply "THIS ISN'T THE REAL WORLD, IT'S THE INTERENTS HURR DURR", but my Dad had a saying. "If you do it in training, you do it in the game." Basically this means that any practised behaviour will become part of your overall behaviour. The more bigoted, insensitive, self centred and arrogant you all become here the more you will become out there.

And don't kid yourselves. This thread is a prime example of some of the worst arrogance I have ever seen on this forum. "*I* will never call you she because *I* don't think you meet the criteria of *my* idea of a woman" that's pretty damn arrogant right there.

I freely admit I have been arrogant in my time here. Really really really arrogant. But I've never been a bigot, except maybe to religions.

So why is religion a fair target and transpeople aren't? Why are transpeople a fair target and Odeon's family is not?

Why is anything a fair target?

Nothing should be a 'fair' target. I've attacked religion in the past because of the things it has done that is worthy of attack. It's bigoted nature. A lot religions are about control and power. Keep the masses worshipping the cloud-man, and they won't notice that the priests hold all the power. And then there's the extremists...Christian, Muslim, any religious extremist (perhaps with the exception of atheist extremists) are very dangerous people that are willing to kill to further their cause. That belief system right there is worth attacking.

What harm do trans people do that is worth attacking?

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #114 on: April 25, 2011, 08:21:31 PM »

The penis can shrink with HRT. I know first hand. My endocrinologist told me it was a possibility. He also said that the testes will shrink, and they did.

In the FAQ you quoted Callaway, it seems blatantly obvious that they're referring to the penis disappearing entirely. I have to suspect that you're just twisting it to serve the point you started to argue before realising you couldn't win it.

I'm also beginning to wonder if all those callouts against you had some merit. Though I do recall at the time, unlike some arselickers around here, I actually took the time to consider them from all angles.

I have to say I love your comment about hormones and mood swings. Not only is that transphobic and transmisogynic, but it's also straight up misogyny...And you're a woman! Hilarious stuff, comedy gold.

Yes, HRT has afforded me the wonderfully uncontrollable ability to swing my moods about. But ask renaeden to support this, I took about an hour or so to compose my thoughts before replying to this thread. I wasn't just reacting like some sensitive teenage girl (which I probably am at this point of my 2nd puberty, but eh *shrugs*).

Am I too sensitive for I2? Yeah probably. But I think it's a good thing. I do worry about all of you and how insensitive you've all become over the years. I think for some of you I2 has become a little fantasy world you can lose yourselves in, where there are no rules and requirements of tact and regarding for others' feelings. I may be too sensitive for I2, but I worry that some of you, maybe all of you are becoming too insensitive for the real world.

I'm sure someone is going to reply "THIS ISN'T THE REAL WORLD, IT'S THE INTERENTS HURR DURR", but my Dad had a saying. "If you do it in training, you do it in the game." Basically this means that any practised behaviour will become part of your overall behaviour. The more bigoted, insensitive, self centred and arrogant you all become here the more you will become out there.

And don't kid yourselves. This thread is a prime example of some of the worst arrogance I have ever seen on this forum. "*I* will never call you she because *I* don't think you meet the criteria of *my* idea of a woman" that's pretty damn arrogant right there.

I freely admit I have been arrogant in my time here. Really really really arrogant. But I've never been a bigot, except maybe to religions.

So why is religion a fair target and transpeople aren't? Why are transpeople a fair target and Odeon's family is not?

Why is anything a fair target?

Nothing should be a 'fair' target. I've attacked religion in the past because of the things it has done that is worthy of attack. It's bigoted nature. A lot religions are about control and power. Keep the masses worshipping the cloud-man, and they won't notice that the priests hold all the power. And then there's the extremists...Christian, Muslim, any religious extremist (perhaps with the exception of atheist extremists) are very dangerous people that are willing to kill to further their cause. That belief system right there is worth attacking.

What harm do trans people do that is worth attacking?

Please read what I actually said, GA.

I do wonder how a MTF who didn't learn to tuck would wear a tight or clinging skirt or pants without sporting a penis bulge, though.

With the help of hormones?

I don't think all the estrogen in the world is going to make someone's penis disappear, although it might shrink the testicles somewhat.

What it will do is exacerbate mood swings, which may be why GA seems even more sensitive than normal lately.

Do you still have a penis after taking estrogen?  If so, then I believe that I was correct in what I said.

You do seem much more sensitive than before since you have started taking the anti-androgens and then the estrogen.

That's not transphobic or misogynistic.  That's just the truth. 

I think that it's interesting that you argue why you think it's OK to be bigoted and attack someone because of their religion, while you claim that anyone who doesn't respond to you in exactly the way that you dictate is bigoted and transphobic.
While we are on the subject of my call-outs, I think one of them was about me defending you when you felt bullied by Hadron and Peaguy.

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #115 on: April 25, 2011, 08:28:59 PM »
Changed my mind just slightly. One last post before my account is deleted per request.

I might be a self important blow hard. But I'm hardly arrogant (any more), or bigoted. I find it laughable that a troll like yourself, Les, would call me bigoted in the face of all these transphobic comments here.

And yes. They were and are transphobic. "I won't call GA she because it's too difficult blah blah", that's transphobia. "You're not a woman because a woman is x,y,z" that's transphobia. And transmisogyny.

I would invite you all to read about privilege. Specifically cisgender privilege (cis is the opposite of trans, so cisgender is someone who identifies with their coercively assigned gender).

The penis can shrink with HRT. I know first hand. My endocrinologist told me it was a possibility. He also said that the testes will shrink, and they did.

In the FAQ you quoted Callaway, it seems blatantly obvious that they're referring to the penis disappearing entirely. I have to suspect that you're just twisting it to serve the point you started to argue before realising you couldn't win it.

I'm also beginning to wonder if all those callouts against you had some merit. Though I do recall at the time, unlike some arselickers around here, I actually took the time to consider them from all angles.

I have to say I love your comment about hormones and mood swings. Not only is that transphobic and transmisogynic, but it's also straight up misogyny...And you're a woman! Hilarious stuff, comedy gold.

Yes, HRT has afforded me the wonderfully uncontrollable ability to swing my moods about. But ask renaeden to support this, I took about an hour or so to compose my thoughts before replying to this thread. I wasn't just reacting like some sensitive teenage girl (which I probably am at this point of my 2nd puberty, but eh *shrugs*).

Am I too sensitive for I2? Yeah probably. But I think it's a good thing. I do worry about all of you and how insensitive you've all become over the years. I think for some of you I2 has become a little fantasy world you can lose yourselves in, where there are no rules and requirements of tact and regarding for others' feelings. I may be too sensitive for I2, but I worry that some of you, maybe all of you are becoming too insensitive for the real world.

I'm sure someone is going to reply "THIS ISN'T THE REAL WORLD, IT'S THE INTERENTS HURR DURR", but my Dad had a saying. "If you do it in training, you do it in the game." Basically this means that any practised behaviour will become part of your overall behaviour. The more bigoted, insensitive, self centred and arrogant you all become here the more you will become out there.

And don't kid yourselves. This thread is a prime example of some of the worst arrogance I have ever seen on this forum. "*I* will never call you she because *I* don't think you meet the criteria of *my* idea of a woman" that's pretty damn arrogant right there.

I freely admit I have been arrogant in my time here. Really really really arrogant. But I've never been a bigot, except maybe to religions.

So why is religion a fair target and transpeople aren't? Why are transpeople a fair target and Odeon's family is not?

Why is anything a fair target?

Nothing should be a 'fair' target. I've attacked religion in the past because of the things it has done that is worthy of attack. It's bigoted nature. A lot religions are about control and power. Keep the masses worshipping the cloud-man, and they won't notice that the priests hold all the power. And then there's the extremists...Christian, Muslim, any religious extremist (perhaps with the exception of atheist extremists) are very dangerous people that are willing to kill to further their cause. That belief system right there is worth attacking.

What harm do trans people do that is worth attacking?

I think YOU are laughable GA/Sputtleshines/Kayleigh. You really think that spouting your "research" somehow backs your points or neatly classifies us or humanity in general. Get the fuck over yourself. You are a bigot and I think that any time that any subject of transgender rears its head you come flouncing in here telling us all what to think and how to act and it we don't fall in we are bigots and in needs of damning and lecturing and re-educating.

That my friend is the heart of the zealot and that is where the worse of bigotry dwells.

But keep laughing because you only get more ridiculous.

This is a board full of Autistics. Most of us are hardly more than indifferent to a condition that affects us everyday but at least we understand it and have some investment in it. We are supposed to have some investment in transgenderism if it doesn't affect us?
You though presume (in your arrogance) that we would happily be lectured by you, labeled bigots and that if we dare call bullshit on that , you will run away like the coward you are and accuse us all of being what insensitive for the real world. Pot meet kettle.

Life is a lot tougher out there than you realise. You got a job? Try it.  That shit is tough work. Kids? Try it. That shit is tough.
Or is society protecting you and you again seeking to speak out to the people who are not afforded the protection you are. Are you claiming to talk about shit you don't know.

Fuck off GA.

I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #116 on: April 25, 2011, 09:06:03 PM »

If you don't like it here GA, just GTFO and stop being a fucking drama queen with your guilt tripping bullshit. You're acting no better than the bigots would. Holy god damn, this shit pissed me off.
Existence actually has two broad meanings despite its apparent meaningless. The constant reconciliation of all its parts, and the conservation of any closed system as a whole.

Morality can be extrapolated from these meanings to make these two commandments of godless morality: 1). Be in harmony with one another and 2). Care for the environment.


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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #117 on: April 25, 2011, 09:14:31 PM »

I think I need a nap...

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #118 on: April 26, 2011, 05:35:28 AM »
The video, didn't watch it, but, seeing the comments of the one making it posted by Kayleigh, the video was made by someone aware of the person being trans. And the video maker very likely had an issue with that. Sucks.

Bystanders being indifferent? I don't think that had anything to do with someone being trans or not. Most bystanders would not be aware of that. What you see of a person is what you assume someone to be. People just are indifferent a lot. Sucks.

GA becoming Kayleigh?

Did she become a better person? Don't think so. But that wasn't what it was about.
Did she become a more sensitive person? Don't think so. Before she could not say "Screw you I2 lot, beware you all may be becoming worse for being here". (paraphrasing) Now she can. That looks less sensitive to me. She doesn't care that much if we like her or not. That's less sensitive. I disagree with her idea that I2 will very likely turn members in someone worse than they were before btw. But, that's not the issue. 
Did Kayleigh become a more real person? To me she did. With GA I kept thinking he was trying very hard to be liked, to be funny, and what not. Big CLOWN factor, also in his pictures. With Kayleigh, I see just a woman in the pictures. Way more real than any impression GA ever made on me. I don't think she is better than GA, more sensitive, better looking or what ever comparison there is. I think she is just more real. And I think that is what counts.

I will probably now and then throw in a "he" with GA/KAyleigh, especially when referring to something that was about GA. That's habit.
With Soph throwing in a "she" just will not happen. I have no female memories or thoughts of Soph at all. So, no habit to kick.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: People's views regarding transpeople
« Reply #119 on: April 26, 2011, 05:43:21 AM »

Did you seriously think anyone was actually trying to say ostregen makes the penis "disappear" though? No one was talking about it disappearing until you brought that up. I said it shrinks it