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alright, i'm trying to get my ass into shape, im not fat or anything but i need somekindof definition to my frame. i look like a tall person who is just tall and skinny. i walk alot but that only really seems to work out the lower half of my legs and nothing else. the idea of jogging really turns me off because it looks so unfun, and mentally painful. like i wouldn't be psyched out to do it every day. what exercises do you do that are fun and give you maximum results

i work out my forearms by masturbating excessively.


--- Quote from: McJagger on October 31, 2006, 07:41:36 PM ---i work out my forearms by masturbating excessively.

--- End quote ---
yeah same here, make sure you switch hands every so often though, otherwise people will start to catch on :green:

Very good point Draggon.

yes i look like popeye the sailor man.


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