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anyone ready for the midterm elections to be over with?

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i am every commercial thats on is a fucking campain add. and i have about 5 messages on my phone from canidates, the commercials are pirticularly stupid, all of them are liers and just want that $162,000 a year or whatever it is a congressman makes. i don't have a job right now but i've never made more than $16,000 a year. i'd like to see those tubby bitches try to make a living off of that

i rarely watch TV.

i want them to last forever so we can continue with the lower oil prices and peace in the middle east.

and i like thos stupid lawn things people use to advocate what they support.  now i know who the republican jerk wads are.

i only watch a few tvprograms and the weather channel. maybe the local news, i thought the congress didn't have the power to control gas prices? either way everyone in the government are corrupt sons of bitches


--- Quote from: richard on October 31, 2006, 08:47:10 AM ---i only watch a few tvprograms and the weather channel. maybe the local news, i thought the congress didn't have the power to control gas prices? either way everyone in the government are corrupt sons of bitches

--- End quote ---

the republicans are taking a big hit over the gas prices.  the oil companies have been donating a kagillion dollars to the republicans campaign funds, and the people blame the republican majority for doing nothing over the price gauging.

lower gas prices help to deflect that heat away from them.  helps them to avoid that particular buzz topic.

and the stock market is doing well.  that also helps the republicans since the voters tend to blame the majority party for a slow economy.

ahh i see, i really hate voting for either democrat or republicans, i usually vote for who ever the independent canidate is, but with that being in the way minority and more than likely that person will never get elected, i have to vote for the party that has the best chances to knocking the current party out of power :-[


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