Just to give you an idea of what this person's about, here is something she posted on Wrong Planet a few years ago. She was looking for volunteers for a diagnostic tool she was developing (the RAADS), was criticized, and responded in two posts:
Post 1:
OK you guys. You may be Aspies, you may have had bad experiences, we all have. Such is life.
1. For you who wants methods and subject selection, if you read the website that dr. Ritvo gave you, you could see in the last page that there were 2 downloads of the pilot studies. Go again : rivaariellaritvo.net and find it. Nothing mysterious and NO NEED FOR RUDENESS even if you are an Aspie.
2. You who was raped, I am truly sorry but we are here TO HELP ALL PEOPLE WITH ASD. You have a choice, participate or not...If you don't feel right about it, pick another thread.
3. Why don't we just stop perseverating and let this thread be what it is: AN INVITATION to participate in a research project. You may or may not choose to do so.
4. Leave Dr. Ed Ritvo alone. Enough already. He is not Eddy! He is professor Ritvo who spent the past 40 years of his life trying to make yours better! Aspie or not--you should know better...If not, may I recommend social skills group...You were living on thsi planet even if it is the wrong one. Make the best of it! I doi every day!!!!!
Post 2 (after somebody called her a jerk):
Well so are you Ticker. We are all Jerks. How do I knwo you are an Aspie and not a
jerk? Do you have any ideas how many fake Aspies walked into my clinic in the past 10

Of course not. But you are correct! It is your thread and you can have it! You
can choose to live on WP but don't come to us JUST when you need free advocacy in the
wrong planet out there. I am wealthy. I could spend my days in nail salons or painting
or playing piano but i chose to pursue a fair world for Aspies. I am a jerk, of a major
kind. And BTW, whoever asked about autism societies, we have contacted them and
ARE working through them. In my opinion, that was the way to go. Dr. ed is more daring
and jumped into a definitely wrong planet. Not because of the Aspies but the wanna be
Aspies. You too have frauds among you. As for me, I happily take leave of this forum.
By thread I meant topic! Enjoy slicing each other to threads. You could be much more
helpful if you were supportive of one another. I have visited many Aspies forums, WP is
a place in its own league. I am happy to leave, Way too busy to be doing this, There are
real Aspies out there who really need our assitance! Sorry to have bothered all of you!
Ari Ritvo--THE BIG PRETENDER! Who in heavens would want to pretend to be

? Not even me!!!!!