Uh, it's just a karma system on a website...it can't really be compared to suicide bombings and/or whatever else you're referring to. Also, that's quite a generalization. Finally, I thought what you said was rude since you were basically saying I don't deserve security or freedom. When people are rude to me, I minus them. It's what the karma system is for.
I was'nt trying to be rude. It's like saying those who stare at the sun deserve to go blind. Freedom is a double edged sword that cuts both directions. Giving up your freedoms for security is a moral abdication of the responsibilities of free living. You're passing the task of armed protection onto mercenaries (Police). If you're dumb enough to do that, you deserve to be bullied by those whom you have empowered.
I respect that you're not harming anybody, but I'm not speaking about you per se. I'm speaking generally. If there were stricter gun control laws, thousands of deaths could be prevented. Because so many people are allowed to purchase guns, they often fall into the wrong hands.
There's a giant fallicy in this argument called the Mexican border. If you make it more difficult to legaly obtain guns, this will increase thier street valeue to criminals. Once guns become a profitable black-market item, guess where guns will start flooding in from................ we can't even keep 11,000,000 people from crossing. How will we stop firearms??
Guns are also used millions of times per year, in the hands of private citizens,to thwart crime and save lives.
Can't you give credit where credit is due??
As I said before, there are other ways people can defend themselves...and the less people who have guns, the less people who *need* them.
You're trying to make tactical decisions here. How can you possible tell if a gun is necessary or not?? The need to use a firearm for self defense is by it's very nature unpredictable.
I was once almost the victim of a follow-home robbery/assault. Thankfully I had my .45 with me. If a confrontation occured, I likely would've come out on top. The point is though, that the situation came with no warning. If my gun and my would-be assailants gun were the only 2 guns on planet earth, it does'nt change the fact that I still needed mine.
More children are killed by thier parents swimming pools than by thier parents guns. It's a fact!!
We're not talking about swimming pools. Those parents are idiots too.
Anyway, should children still have to die in school shootings and by their own friends'/relatives' guns just because it is less likely than drowning in a swimming pool? 
I was making a point about the likelyhood of death from different causes. Accidental gun deaths in the US are at an all time low of about 1,500 per year.