
Author Topic: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.  (Read 10673 times)

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Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« on: April 14, 2011, 10:01:23 AM »
Right I was going to let you two respond in the thread but fuck it , since you're too spineless to actually come back , you can fucking answer me here.

i have a few little theory's on them queerosexuals [phrase made famous by the episode of family guy i just watched, god i love family guy]

Right this is how you started your apparerent "wisdom" , correct me if you were joking but "Queerosexuals" apart from being a terrible (as in lame not offensive) insult , also reveals to us you have the mental capacity of an 11 year old boy.

second and on a personal note: i have a lot of issues with gays. i mean fine assuming my theory above is right you did not choose to be that way. but i admit i could be very wrong with that. i don't honestly buy into the whole "i did not choose to be gay" your not like it from when your born. you don't come out of your mommas pussy and look at the nurses boobs and thing "oooh dat sexy"... well maybe sir les did but i know every one else did not. you don't go into an incubator with other baby's beside you, one with pussy and another with a dick and think "i like the one with the penis better"... so if your going to admit to being gay at least show you CHOSE to be that way and not you were born that way. because none of us are born bi or gay or straight or tranny. sure we go through puberty and that changes us but even that is not being "born this way" so they are still talking out there ass

Right you have issues with gays , again how many have you actually met? and I mean IRL not the internets.
I don't see how you can "choose" to be gay , you just naturally fall for a gender (or genders). I mean not that it matters if you buy into or not , you clearly have a very juvenile understanding of sexuality.

So because I am gay I should say "Herp derp dis ain't natural and ah chose to be this way  :autism:" , not gonna fucking happen dude , I'm gay because I was born like it.  ;)
On a side note I suggest you go see a doctor for severe verbal diorrhea , you are the only one talking out of his arse here.  :zoinks:

third and also on a personal note: GAY MARRIAGE IS FUCKING STUPID!. why the hell would any gay want to get married, if they want to attend a religious ceremony designed to wed a man and a women that has sacred meaning to a god who says [for lack of better words] if you are gay you will be punished and sent to the burning fires of hell then there is something seriously WRONG with them. don't they get it? they want to follow a book written by humans [granted that is not a great idea in the first place] that says that they are going to be forever tortured and damned for there lifestyle that THEY chose then they are either seriously stupid, or to busy fudge packing to give a crap and in either case someone like that should not even be allowed on the holy grounds of a church

On a personal note I believe marriage , straight or gay is stupid , love does not need a piece of paper to back it up. HOWEVER everyone should have the right to marry rgardless of age , race or sexuality, denying them this right IS stupid.
Also mariage may have been only a religious service once upon a time , now people have non-religious marriage ceremonies , I mean otherwise Atheists wouldn't get married right?

Plus god doesn't exist , please try to refrain bringing fairy tails into a logical argument.
"Too busy fudge packing" I'd like to point out that just because you are gay does not = into anal sex, there are plenty of gay men who do not enjoy that , just as there are plenty of straight couples who do enjoy it.

fourth point: "its because i'm gay isn't it".... NO ITS NOT. i am not telling negative things to your face because your gay, i'm saying negative things to you because your an idiot and an asshole. the local movie store owners here are going out of business because of things like netfix and such. now i don't give a fuck when they set up they put two other stores out of business because everyone liked the owners of the new one better. but i walked in there and was looking at games and they were all horribly organised... so i said so to gluey who happened to be beside me then. the gay guy who owned the place then came up behind me and said "we have 32 thousand titles in here, do you think we have time to organised?" and i thought "well, you don't NEED to organize. you don't even work here. its what you pay your STAFF TO DO DUMB ASS" and the only reason i did not say it was "its because i'm gay isn't it" he has pulled that shit on other people, i did not need him to pull it with me

Would you say the same about blacks who play the race card?
Not all of them play that just as not all gays play "it's because I'm gay" , I for one have never done this.

I think you and Gluey need to stop being so idiotic and drop the generilsations , or just plain admit you are homophobic without any proper reason.

Now onto Gluey.

There annoying. I accept the fact they exist but the attention whoreism is the worst ever. They bitch about being misunderstood when they got their own danm fucking following.

So good of you to except our existence oh wise one.  ::)
I love how you claim us all to be attention whores , yet who is it that barges into threads on here and spouts off on a random tangent about some horrible crap they've endured? , pretty big attention whore yourself.

I'm a homophobe becuase I co-exist with them and dont really care in order to not be a homophobe you have to
LOVE THEM. Heavily embrace what isn't normal. it just confuses young people inot "sticking up for the little guy"

Lol so we're not normal?
And female bodybuilding is?  :zoinks:

My friend would brag about going to Gay Pride and than when I was over I looked through her high school yearbook and went "I used to know that girl in highschool!" and my freind said "Yeah she has o freinds and people were mean to her....than she got fat...shes really depressed in stuff"

Are you sure your friend would brag about it? or maybe as a friend she was excited and sharing that with you? , wow I bet you're miss popular IRL!  :autism:

This is why gay people fucking outrage me. Attention whorism is what really makes my blood boil. ts made my blood boil so much I decided to stop writing zines about my multiple diagnossis and using my "differenes". I had a lot of art and poerty but it was mostly full of sob stories. Still gonna write zines but not make it into a one way ticket to the victim express. Stopped being a burger ass.

We outrage you? I thought you said a while back that  didn't care enough to be a total homophobe? , do try to be consistent my special little friend.  :)
as said a while back , you and Zippo are probably the most attention seeking members on this site after pentagram , so kindly shut it about all gays being attention whores? thanks.

The victim bandwagon makes me fucking sick. There are people who actually are weak. Actually are pathetic and are in need of sympathy than some faggot bitchingg about a Dire Straits song. Weak Shallow and greedy.
Capitalise off being a faggot.

The ignorance and homophobe bandwagon makes *me* fucking sick , the lot of you are too narrow minded to see the simplest logic , there are people in need of sympathy , not necessarily "pathetic" ,way to show yourself up as being a cunt darling  :eyelash:.

"Some faggot bitching about a dire straits song" how about "Some retard bitching about people wanting equal rights" , I think I know which one has a more credible argument. Capitalise off being an idiot? it seems to be working for you and Zippo.  :lol:

I  am different and misunderstood but fuck! I healthy, got a family who loves me a couple good freinds, a warm house with a BEACH FRONT were currently renting from freinds, having a dad help me build a skid platform cause I want my own space for the summer, food in my belly, basic luxuries, a couple of good freinds, quite a few aquiaces...... yes I rant and complain a lot but at least im not making everything politically correct.

Wow are you Meadows child?  :o
You're actually ranting about your perfect life.... ah wait , that explains the "Ivory tower" ideals you hold , such a privilged little bitch like you never would realise what *actual* hardship is.
FYI difference between making things "Politically Correct" and "Equal" go read up retard.'s not enough. I'm going to get the government to get on Encyclopaedia  Dramaticas ass and smash down their cruel articles on "aspergers" "Women" "Red Heads" "ADHD" "Punk rock music" im gonna cry. wah.

.......Like you cry about those faggots asking for equal rights? , oh noes it's teh political correctness! :GA:

Now let's see what you two say to such an evil faggot as myself.  :eyelash:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2011, 10:19:23 AM »
I never chose to not be straight. I really wish I was straight, it would make my life so much easier. If I ever come out of the closet and become openly gay, I would suffer all sorts of homophobia by ignorant morons who appear to have similar views to yourselves.
Maybe we aren't gay, or straight when we are born, but as I was growing up, maybe around 7-10 I had stronger feelings towards girls. Do you really think I was "choosing" to be gay. I was pretty much unaware of the concept of homosexuality when I was 7.
I certainly don't attention whore my sexuality. IRL only 3 people know about it. I don't act according to any gay stereotypes. It's not like I'm a female bodybuilder, or anything obviously lesbian like that.

I'm honestly dissapointed in the pair of you. I never really knew Gluey, but I thought Zippo was much better than this :(
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 10:21:03 AM by Butterflies »

Offline Squidusa

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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2011, 10:35:20 AM »
I never chose to not be straight. I really wish I was straight, it would make my life so much easier. If I ever come out of the closet and become openly gay, I would suffer all sorts of homophobia by ignorant morons who appear to have similar views to yourselves.
Maybe we aren't gay, or straight when we are born, but as I was growing up, maybe around 7-10 I had stronger feelings towards girls. Do you really think I was "choosing" to be gay. I was pretty much unaware of the concept of homosexuality when I was 7.
I certainly don't attention whore my sexuality. IRL only 3 people know about it. I don't act according to any gay stereotypes. It's not like I'm a female bodybuilder, or anything obviously lesbian like that.

I'm honestly dissapointed in the pair of you. I never really knew Gluey, but I thought Zippo was much better than this :(
Yeah I'm kinda dissapointed by it too , they seemed like pretty intelligent people, not just whiney about equality. ::)

I had stronger feelings when I was about 11 , I was a bit later than you  :laugh:
Although I did kind of kiss a boy when I was 4 , more playfully but I avoided kissing girls at that age as I felt it was wrong.

I don't do anything obviously gay either , I do paint my nails admittedly but thats more an alternative fashion thing , the fact that im effeminate is due to being the oldest male grandchild in my family , so I was surrounded with only females from a very very young age.  :lol:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2011, 04:56:46 PM »
anyone who thinks being gay is a choice really obviously didn't think it though. if it is a choice, they must be REALLY REALLY GROSSED OUT by what they are doing. I mean seriously. think about it.

I am posting the the callout section cause I have a direct question for Gluey.

How can someone who is supposed to be punk rock be such a bigot ? You DO know it is against the traditions and no one is going to agree with you. Unless you're one of those skinhead punks. You are, arent you. a skinhead I mean. Cause either that out you are one MAJOR poser :D

you seem to be for the underdog, but only when it suits you.


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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2011, 04:58:46 PM »
Some gay people *can* be fucking annoying, but a sexual orientation isn't enough for me to hate them. It's more on a personality level.

Offline Squidusa

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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2011, 05:05:18 PM »
Some gay people *can* be fucking annoying, but a sexual orientation isn't enough for me to hate them. It's more on a personality level.

People can be annoying, but unless you're relating to the "Omg guyz look at me i'm gay!!!11" type then I do agree with you.

There are posers and "attention whores" for everything, Female bodybulding is chock full of them I reckon.  :zoinks:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #6 on: April 14, 2011, 05:06:18 PM »
Some gay people *can* be fucking annoying, but a sexual orientation isn't enough for me to hate them. It's more on a personality level.

So *can* some straight people, and so *can* some aspies  :P


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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #7 on: April 14, 2011, 05:11:02 PM »
People can be annoying, but unless you're relating to the "Omg guyz look at me i'm gay!!!11" type then I do agree with you.

That's who I'm referring to. My uncle fucking hates them types and he's gay himself. :laugh:

However, there will always be people who are ignorant and will hate you for the most stupidest of reasons. Best just get on with your life than get pissed off by every homophobe.

So *can* some straight people, and so *can* some aspies  :P

Herp derp captain obvious, but you missed my point. I basically said I judge on one's personality, not their sexual orientation.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 05:12:53 PM by Schleed »

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #8 on: April 14, 2011, 05:12:53 PM »
You're all a buncha fags. I'm gonna beat you all up. :rage:
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"


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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #9 on: April 14, 2011, 05:14:22 PM »
Funny note: A lot of people who act all homophobic are generally in the closet. :zoinks:

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #10 on: April 14, 2011, 05:16:02 PM »
Indeed.  :LOL:
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"

Offline Squidusa

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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #11 on: April 14, 2011, 05:16:52 PM »
People can be annoying, but unless you're relating to the "Omg guyz look at me i'm gay!!!11" type then I do agree with you.

That's who I'm referring to. My uncle fucking hates them types and he's gay himself. :laugh:

However, there will always be people who are ignorant and will hate you for the most stupidest of reasons. Best just get on with your life than get pissed off by every homophobe.

Oh I know , my main issue is they dropped that shit in the thread then ran off instead of backing themselves up.  :P
Plus I agree with your uncle , those fuckers are irritating.  :laugh:

You're all a buncha fags. I'm gonna beat you all up. :rage:

Says the guy with the dickgirl fetish.  :zoinks:

Funny note: A lot of people who act all homophobic are generally in the closet. :zoinks:

Oh I know , try pointing that out to the WBC christfags.  :zoinks:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #12 on: April 14, 2011, 05:33:51 PM »
I just fail to see their angle.

I mean, ok people dont like gays for any number of reason

But it seems like Gluey doesnt like them because they get some sort of special treatment, or because they act annoying for attention.

I mean really. Maybe she is just upset cause no one likes HER.

There is a big "us against them" mentality she seems to have, and I have my own punk roots, so I understand her underdog theories

but is a a huge mistake to associate gay people with capitalism or such things.

seems like a bigoted mind searching for justification.

Offline Squidusa

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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #13 on: April 14, 2011, 05:38:14 PM »
I just fail to see their angle.

I mean, ok people dont like gays for any number of reason

But it seems like Gluey doesnt like them because they get some sort of special treatment, or because they act annoying for attention.

I mean really. Maybe she is just upset cause no one likes HER.

There is a big "us against them" mentality she seems to have, and I have my own punk roots, so I understand her underdog theories

but is a a huge mistake to associate gay people with capitalism or such things.

seems like a bigoted mind searching for justification.

I agree with you Eris.

Gluey is a hypocrite however , she is a very big attention whore on here, apart from personally finding her posts obnoxnous and /or just plain unrelated, she seems to constantly crave attention from people on here.
Zippo is just  regurgitating old homophobic nonsense.

Did anyone else see the religious references in Zippos post by the way?
It seems there is a hint of brainwashing here.  :thumbup:
I'll just diagnose myself as Goddess of the Universe and have done with it. Hell with autism!  :green: :zoinks:

nice is just something written on biscuits.  


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Re: Zippo and Gluey , get your retarded arses in here.
« Reply #14 on: April 14, 2011, 05:39:12 PM »