
Author Topic: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?  (Read 3696 times)

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Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #75 on: April 15, 2011, 10:11:13 PM »
Oh fuck!!! I didn't know! I fucking didn't know she (the actress) was only fucking 12 years old!!! Damn it!!! :thumbdn:

Gah... this pisses me off... Please, I'd rather be a pig fucker than a pedobear!

You are both already, why are you talking now about options.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #76 on: April 15, 2011, 10:22:37 PM »
How am I a pig fucker?

It's just a stupid rumor spread around here by old manchildren.

How am I a pedophile?

Had I known about the age of the girl in the picture, I would not have jacked off to it!

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #77 on: April 15, 2011, 10:26:07 PM »
How am I a pig fucker?

It's just a stupid rumor spread around here by old manchildren.

How am I a pedophile?

Had I known about the age of the girl in the picture, I would not have jacked off to it!

Save the excuses for the jury. Pedo.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Callaway

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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #78 on: April 15, 2011, 10:37:27 PM »
Oh fuck!!! I didn't know! I fucking didn't know she (the actress) was only fucking 12 years old!!! Damn it!!! :thumbdn:

Gah... this pisses me off... Now, this shit is gonna be all over I2, that I'm a pedobear. This will be worse than being a pig porker!

Heather Matarazzo plays a seventh grader named Dawn Weiner in the movie Welcome to the Dollhouse, but the actress is 28 years old now.


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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #79 on: April 15, 2011, 10:38:44 PM »
How am I a pig fucker?

It's just a stupid rumor spread around here by old manchildren.

How am I a pedophile?

Had I known about the age of the girl in the picture, I would not have jacked off to it!

Keep digging that hole pig porker.  An easy out = I was just joking.  Now you are admitting to having jerked off to an image of a child  :wanker:


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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #80 on: April 15, 2011, 10:40:33 PM »
How am I a pig fucker?

It's just a stupid rumor spread around here by old manchildren.

How am I a pedophile?

Had I known about the age of the girl in the picture, I would not have jacked off to it!

Save the excuses for the jury. Pedo.

Yeah, Les, I'm sure the American courts are just dying to waste tax dollars trying to prosecute some loser who masturbated to a non-pornographic picture of an ugly 13 year old child actress ONE FUCKING TIME. I have absolutely nothing to hide! :orly:

Oh, and Callaway, the actress was about 13 years old at the time of Welcome to the Dollhouse's filming.


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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #81 on: April 15, 2011, 10:44:05 PM »
How am I a pig fucker?

It's just a stupid rumor spread around here by old manchildren.

How am I a pedophile?

Had I known about the age of the girl in the picture, I would not have jacked off to it!

Save the excuses for the jury. Pedo.

Yeah, Les, I'm sure the American courts are just dying to waste tax dollars trying to prosecute some loser who masturbated to a non-pornographic picture of an ugly 13 year old child actress ONE FUCKING TIME. I have absolutely nothing to hide! :orly:

Oh, and Callaway, the actress was about 13 years old at the time of Welcome to the Dollhouse's filming.

Yes, it was MUCH better that you jerked off to a non-pornographic image of a 13 year old girl.  Because non-pornographic images are so much less common.  Are you going to go subscribe to the JC Penney catalog next and stick the Misses section together?

Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #82 on: April 15, 2011, 11:04:30 PM »
penta is the pedobear now? neato!

Offline Al Swearegen

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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #83 on: April 15, 2011, 11:25:58 PM »
How am I a pig fucker?

It's just a stupid rumor spread around here by old manchildren.

How am I a pedophile?

Had I known about the age of the girl in the picture, I would not have jacked off to it!

Save the excuses for the jury. Pedo.

Yeah, Les, I'm sure the American courts are just dying to waste tax dollars trying to prosecute some loser who masturbated to a non-pornographic picture of an ugly 13 year old child actress ONE FUCKING TIME. I have absolutely nothing to hide! :orly:

Oh, and Callaway, the actress was about 13 years old at the time of Welcome to the Dollhouse's filming.

Yes, it was MUCH better that you jerked off to a non-pornographic image of a 13 year old girl.  Because non-pornographic images are so much less common.  Are you going to go subscribe to the JC Penney catalog next and stick the Misses section together?

Yeah so much worse.
Creeps like you hang around primary schools and eventually get authorities call on them when they drool, and surreptitiously and subtley wank themselves through cut out pockets, to the FULLY clothed under-aged kids.  This is your future, pig fucker, embrace it
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap


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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #84 on: April 15, 2011, 11:31:28 PM »
How am I a pig fucker?

It's just a stupid rumor spread around here by old manchildren.

How am I a pedophile?

Had I known about the age of the girl in the picture, I would not have jacked off to it!

Save the excuses for the jury. Pedo.

Yeah, Les, I'm sure the American courts are just dying to waste tax dollars trying to prosecute some loser who masturbated to a non-pornographic picture of an ugly 13 year old child actress ONE FUCKING TIME. I have absolutely nothing to hide! :orly:

Oh, and Callaway, the actress was about 13 years old at the time of Welcome to the Dollhouse's filming.

Yes, it was MUCH better that you jerked off to a non-pornographic image of a 13 year old girl.  Because non-pornographic images are so much less common.  Are you going to go subscribe to the JC Penney catalog next and stick the Misses section together?

Yeah so much worse.
Creeps like you hang around primary schools and eventually get authorities call on them when they drool, and surreptitiously and subtley wank themselves through cut out pockets, to the FULLY clothed under-aged kids.  This is your future, pig fucker, embrace it

But I'M a child. Shouldn't I be wanking to myself in the mirror? :zoinks:


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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #85 on: April 16, 2011, 04:18:00 AM »
I like my children like my whiskey, 12 years old and mixed up with coke. :zoinks:

Offline 'Butterflies'

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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #86 on: April 16, 2011, 06:49:01 AM »
I thought he was just trying to shock when he said he eas jerking off over the pic. Ididnt realize he was really doing it :laugh:

I suppose the best way for him to dispel the pig-fucker myth is to admit that he wanks off over pictures of children. That kinda puts the pig-fucking into perspective.

Sorry Penty, but that was funny, and gross. You will have to take a bit of a teasing about your new found pedo-bear status :lol:

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #87 on: April 18, 2011, 06:07:45 AM »
 :laugh: Exactly, ppk. You see what I mean, at least.

And Kit, I can tell the difference between self starved retard skinny and natural. I'm not attracted to either. I like a -soft- girl. ;)
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Offline Natalia Evans

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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #88 on: April 18, 2011, 03:17:58 PM »
So can I. When someone is naturally skinny, they don't look all skin and bones. When they have starved themselves to be thin, you can see their bones and how they look and they don't look as pretty.

But it all depends on how we define skinny. To me when I use the word skinny, it means anorexic thin. Skinnier than me. Someone who has the body type like Amanda Bynes. if I were thin as her, I'd be unhealthy and would have to starve myself to get there because my body isn't made to be that way and my bone structure is different than hers. 

Offline RageBeoulve

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Re: Who thinks Maralyn Monroe was 'fat'?
« Reply #89 on: April 19, 2011, 06:13:31 AM »
Key: I said really skinny, not thin. And i'm just stating my preference, thats all. ;)

When I say too skinny, I mean lack of female charms. Looking sexually immature, adolescent, or boyish.

I like a curvy, female form. Clear? :thumbup:
« Last Edit: April 19, 2011, 06:21:11 AM by RageBeoulve »
"I’m fearless in my heart.
They will always see that in my eyes.
I am the passion; I am the warfare.
I will never stop...
always constant, accurate, and intense."

  - Steve Vai, "The Audience is Listening"