in my schlightly intoxicated state.

You're my besht friend! 
Funneeh. You are mihne too. 
I've only had two vodka and cokes , I'm nowhere near drunk enough 
I do have the munchies however so brb 
Be careful, at your low body weight you probably can't drink much more! 
And why do you have the munchies? Have you been
as well?
No I'm just naturally hungry 
I would never touch drugs. 
Alcohol is considered to be a hard-drug sweetie.
Illegal drugs then. 
Travel the world enough, and you can try lots of things legally then.
True , but the thing is although alcohol is a drug yes , I don't drink it for the point of getting drunk (Unlike someone we know
) , I drink it because I enjoy the taste of certain drinks.
Things like cannabis , just sound unpleasant to me , even if it was legal I wouldn't take it , I don't like the idea of losing control either so it's a power issue too I guess 
you have the
Completely Opposite idea man :S
i avoid alcohol, because it robs me of control. i stick to weed, because it intoxicates me while allowing me to stay completely concious, and in control of myself.
its when im drunk that i end up telling people private stuff i'd rather keep to myself.
on weed, i just mellow out, and thats it. no bad side effects...