Now you just need Noobs with keep all you guys happy.
Unfortunately, us ladies get not much action in the pervy chest or cock shot dept. 
Sorry to keep you waiting babes.
See, here we were nagging for months, Vodzy comes back and that very day, he co-operates.
Good boy.
Although, I have this sneaking feeling the shot was taken after a very 'adventurous' night...and you are definitely on a chicks bed.
Good on you for being generous with the penis shot. x
You're welcome.

I just got back from a vacation to thailand and cambodia - this was taken in a beach bungalow I was staying at on koh rong island near sihanoukville, southern cambodia. I'd say it's a unisex bed with a tropical theme (which also explains the pink thing above the bed - it's a mosquito net). I have a better one of my chest though it's all rib, not much muscle. Also a full cock n balls shot, if you'd like.
Now, if I were you Vodzy, I'd remove it before Schleed or Butterflies gets a hold of that shot!
I'm not afraid of the internets, else I'd defer from posting in the public area of the forum in the 1st place.