^ Dislike quite a few insects myself. Fruit flies, other types of flies, mosquitoes, et cetera, etc..
But, dragonflies, like spiders, are predatory animals and thus are 'useful' in my perception. Not a bug, or a bugger, therefore, they are.
Wished to post the following secly but was warned (in red) that a new reply was posted before I could post this..
I saw a young (Eur.) red squirrel running in the street this afternoon. Cute little fella and the colour of its fur always strikes me (for some reason). It's like fox-red but three touches deeper brown-ish. Consider the colour quite beautiful.
It ran in front of me.. me slowing down² on my bike.. away from me, towards a tree and the youngster climbed its stem a bit clumsy. I could hear the little squirrel's paws grabbing the tree's bark. Nice. I like these little encounters with 'wild' animals.