Ja, it was 'turdus' on earlier Zomg (Erminea on WP). Um, think what the English (GB) call the blackbird is not the same bird what the Americans (and Canadians?) call a blackbird. 'The new world' does have members of the Turdidae/thrushes family though (but not so the Turdus merula, I thought). Some very very pretty ones too (across the big pond).
Well, going blahiah as it is (love birds).. I'll just keep going on then

but ja, members of said family tend to have a beautiful and very creative song. European (and Asian) blackbirds sing lit. every 'line' differently. No two 'lines' are the same and can differ quite substantially from previous ones sung. Okay, some other birds do it too but quite a few have a way smaller repertoire. Songthrush copies other birds' songs.. also funny/nice to hear.
Um, years ago, living more up-north from here, I once saved a nest from a cat trying to loot it and, no kid ya.. the totally 'wild'/free female merula in the garden there, after cat ran off, came sitting on my shoulder for a (very) brief moment. Kinda read it as gratitude, shown.. and that experience was ja, a bit odd but nice too.
Had a turtle dove landing on 'my beatles hairdo' too (in this city.. a couple of years ago/scared it away.. doing (?) something to scare it away). For some reason, I became quite nauseated seconds after that happened.. and kinda keep a somewhat more distant (um, more normal, I suppose) approach/relation with birds since then, gradually.
Um still, quite often, greet birds I encounter with me doing some short whistling 'riff'.. for ja, I'm the bird whisperer (-'s assistant).