I been a nosey neighbour today!
police cars screech up outside my house, i thought wtf, i didn't do anything...(apart from..ahem) anyway
they went two doors up (wtf didn't they park two doors up)
the people in that house are proper scum. always effing in front of their kids, sending little girl down shop and she is only seven, she has always got a black eye, they told this sweet
old lady further up to mind her own fucking business, they never have their dog on a lead... had a few 'run in's ' with them..
so i thought "ha" when plod turned up! i normally mind my own business but i couldn't help peeking through curtains
but it was really wierd - first cop car comes, screech, brake, oh and their advanced driving skills - parked about two foot off the kerb. two plod got out and then go inside...ten mins later second cop car comes, 1 lone plod, but still parked like a twat. he goes inside. the first two come out with the scumbag and they sit in car with him. For an hour. An hour. ffs. they take him back indoors. a taxi arrives. saw scumbag loading a load of bags in back of taxi, he goes back in. taxi still there ten mins later. scumbag mrs comes out to taxi. then taxi drives away with bags but no passengers. first two plod leave. remaining plod goes to his car for ten mins then back inside. finally he leaves an hour after....i am so puzzled as to what was going on?