I just went to google my old house and I was not wrong. This shit was a hazard! This pole was on the street, two feet away from traffic, and in the alleyway behind my old house. I always objected and they kept on adding shit to it, no matter how many times I tried to get something done about it.
Check out this third world looking crap!
My new home, we have nothing above ground except the houses and a few connection points hidden by shrubs. The power cables are literally twenty feet underground with an occasional access cover every hundred feet or so for the system.
Probably should have been in the Bitch thread, but I am no longer bitching, just thumbing my nose now.
I was sitting on the hood of my old Ford with a storm coming once, enjoying the gathering of clouds, when I began to feel the hair stand up all over my body. I was freaked and jumped up, got a bit away. Seconds later lightning struck that pole and all the electrical systems went dead. Had I not jumped when I did, I might have been as dead as the rest of the system since one big bolt went straight to my car hood and danced around some, right where I was sitting, enjoying a beer.

We think we know a bit about nature because we can make lightning strike in a bottle or a tornado form in a small room, but we don't know shit about what all that really is and just trying to concieve of the power the earth itself can generate is beyond our ability. Oh, yeah, we think we can, but no, we are fooling ourselves, best physics, most complicated math and all.