Feeling grateful for some honest people! I went to the store and used the robo-cashiers as I only had one item. Did my debit card and left...............with the item, but, my wallet was left on the robo-cashier. Didn't realize it until I got home. In full panic mode, I drove very quickly back to the store hoping against hope that someone turned it in. Yes, I was screaming and wailing in my car. Got to the store and ran in to customer service right next to the robo-cashier. And as soon as the words left my mouth....."has anyone turned in a wallet, the young clerk went to his drawer and produced my wallet. I offered him a reward, but, he declined as somebody else turned it in to him. I thanked him profusely and wished him a great day. My brain has been in senility mode today, BIG TIME. Panic recedes, got home, put the car in the garage and spent an hour painting the garage as a form of meditation and now feeling better after rest and brandy. Yeah, I know I'm a lush, but, I deserve it!