I did read an interesting article about Williams Syndrome, said to be the opposite of autism.

i stumbled across Williams syndrome, for the first time ever (so far as I recall) just a couple of days ago. It was mentioned, in passing, in a totally unrelated article, and, my interst piqued, i looked it up on Wikipaedia, like you would. And I'm like "Eureka!". There's this guy in my town who's hung about the fringes of just about every arty circle, and who almost everbody I meet seems to know by name. Even my fellow spazzes and weirdos (i mean people who accept and even like me) tend to think that he's ""weird"and somewhat creepy, and to speculate as to what, exactly, is wrong with him. That guy on the right, of the two guys in the Wiki photo looks almost exactly like him, especially that smile. That exact smile is on the guy's face so often that i find it impossible to picture his face without that smile.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Williams_syndromeOpposite of autism? hmm, i can see why that would be said. I mean, this guy is totally extroverted , calls himself a ""thespian" (but I'm not sure he's ever had an actual paying acting job to speak of; seems to be permanently out-of-work) and clearly has a number of apposite skills. Most notably he can do "stage whispers"and is expert at projecting his voice as if speaking from a stage; only problem being that he does it all the time. Seems to live in a fantasy world, and often tries to hit on women with zero sucess, but isn't easi;y discouraged (to make an understatement) I was just laughing with my neighbour about this, very recently (turns out that this is something we have in common ) . When he was trying to hit on her, he went on and on about his "girlfriend", ëven sharing details of their sex life. which is something he also did with me, at one juncture, though i didn't realise he was
still trying to hit on me when he did that. I thought he meant to signal that he'd mercifully given up

. I also thought (along with all of my mates) that said girfriend was fictional, because nobody ever saw them together, but my neighbour tells me: No, she's real; she's actually met the girl, but didn't get the impression she was actually a girlfriend as such, but maybe a "friend with benefits"?
So, yeah, no doubt you can see a few very marked differences there, but then again, he's the same as us in one very obvious and important respect: completely socially incompetent. Spectacularly socially incompetent, even. So much so, that I'd feel sorry for him, if he wasn't laughing and smiling all the damned time.
Definitely Williams, isn't it?