a couple of days back, i encountered my neighbour from two floors up, on my way to the communal bins.
""You know that man above you, the
screamer? "' she began (she calls him this because he screams, for unknown reasons, at random intervals; and is otherise a very odd person). 'Well, yesterday he was cooking fresh mint"
"How do you know it was him?"' i enquired ( a little nervously , because her intonation seemed to suggest there was something antisocial about this activity. And I had cooked with fresh mint on the day in question)
"Because I see everything and i smell everything" she intoned menacingly, and i seized on the chance to head off in a different direction.
Well , two days later , I plucked up the courage to admit that
I was cooking fresh mint on the day in question, so it was probably my cooking odours she smelled.
were you? she beamed. ""Well
that makes more sense. I thought it was a very unusual choice for him . His cooking odours are usually really unpleasant: garlic, onions, meat"
We're a
very odd lot around here

I probably fit right in *sigh*.