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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3990 on: March 28, 2020, 07:45:36 AM »
have been sick as dog these  past few weeks mind, cos soon as i felt well enough to do so. i started following NHS advice to wash hands like a bad case of OCD , wipe down surfaces with disinfectant every time you touch something etc. but i;ve been plagued ever-more-severely with asthma, hayfever, weeping eyes, grogginess, sleepiness and other symptoms that i choose not to mention . Yesterday, i suddenly twigged that ALL those cleaning agents are full of corn derivatives (even my fucking soap, cos they changed the ingredients while i wasn't looking) so the more I clean, the more i'm breathing in molecules of corn . I've now I've  stopped the damned  cleaning and I'm feeling somewhat better already.

Feel free to laugh. I am!  :LOL:

Hope they don't send the cops round to check if I'm obeying the cleaning directive.  :LOL: Heck,  this covid-19  thing nigh-on killed me, aleady,  in an indirect fashion.

Honestly I haven't changed much about the way I'm cleaning my own place, except washing my hands when I've come in from something like a grocery run. Sanitizer everywhere seems needless when the conditions and people haven't changed. Makes more sense in public spaces.

Also, Walkie!!!! Good to see you.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

Offline Pyraxis

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3991 on: March 28, 2020, 07:50:22 AM »
I don't know what the hell is going on in Quebec, but their cases are exploding. They weren't anywhere near ON or BC who were neck and neck and then yesterday or the day before, they blew everyone out of the water.

They changed their testing procedure.
You'll never self-actualize the subconscious canopy of stardust with that attitude.

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3992 on: March 28, 2020, 07:53:08 AM »
The US also has a much higher population than Italy or Spain. I don't want to downplay the threat but that particular statistic doesn't seem meaningful.
indeed.  Also ,be aware that different countries have vastly different access to test kits. here in the UK, our frontline NHS staff are still waiting to be tested; they've hardly tested anyone but Boris", cos they've hardly got any freaking test kits; so infection rates here  will be way, way higher than "çonfirmed case figures suggest  :(
Obviously, the States are much better equipped for testing people. saw a vid from the States of ordinary citizens standing in line at a station to be tested...errr, whaaa? yeah these are people who suspect they have co-vid 19 are  NOT staying in isolation but rather  getting all scrunched  together in a long l;ne with others who think they have co-vid -19, and nobody's telling them: "FFS, Go home. guys. If you're not positive yet, then you surely will be, by the time you get tested"

Here in the UK (where Boris was rightly criticised fpr being a bit cavalier about this) we were told, three weeks or so back. that if we had any suspect symptoms then we must self-isolate.

...which I,  myself duly did, having had the bad luck to pick up some virus or other at just the wrong moment. And i was just ready to come out of self-isolation when we were told that EVERYBODY (key workers excepted) has to  stay at home from now on . huh. well truth to tell, it makes very little difference to my lifestyle, cos i can;t really go anywhere exept by taxi, and the fares here are such that i can rarely stretch to more transport  than needed for medical appointments... which is exactly how i caught this damned thing, i do believe.

But my point is that untold thousands like myself would probably show up as statistics, if only tests were available. so i still don't know if had THE viris, or just some normal virus, do I? and it's likely to be weeks , if ever, before they can tell me the answer to that that.

Meantime , everybody's signed up for online supermarket services at once, ofc, and those servces are getting overwhelmed ofc.

Me, I've been very lucky thus far, actually had  most of thse  few things that i can actually eat delivered in  sufficient quantities, almost per usual.  But then, I got special privileges as pre-exising customer, ni telling how far that helped. i did experiece some blips due to panic-buying, previously . but hey! here i am, fat as ever, nothing drastic.

have been sick as dog these  past few weeks mind, cos soon as i felt well enough to do so. i started following NHS advice to wash hands like a bad case of OCD , wipe down surfaces with disinfectant every time you touch something etc. but i;ve been plagued ever-more-severely with asthma, hayfever, weeping eyes, grogginess, sleepiness and other symptoms that i choose not to mention . Yesterday, i suddenly twigged that ALL those cleaning agents are full of corn derivatives (even my fucking soap, cos they changed the ingredients while i wasn't looking) so the more I clean, the more i'm breathing in molecules of corn . I've now I've  stopped the damned  cleaning and I'm feeling somewhat better already.

Feel free to laugh. I am!  :LOL:

Hope they don't send the cops round to check if I'm obeying the cleaning directive.  :LOL: Heck,  this covid-19  thing nigh-on killed me, aleady,  in an indirect fashion.

Good luck, everybody!
Welcome back. The only public testing stations heard of here are drive through.

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3993 on: March 28, 2020, 08:25:22 AM »

Honestly I haven't changed much about the way I'm cleaning my own place, except washing my hands when I've come in from something like a grocery run. Sanitizer everywhere seems needless when the conditions and people haven't changed. Makes more sense in public spaces.

Haven't changed cleaning either. Though already bleach everything, and household cleaning supplies consist of only windex, bleach, and comet. :laugh:

Offline Walkie

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3994 on: March 28, 2020, 10:23:26 AM »

    Hope they don't send the cops round to check if I'm obeying the cleaning directive.  :LOL: Heck,  this covid-19  thing nigh-on killed me, aleady,  in an indirect fashion.

    Honestly I haven't changed much about the way I'm cleaning my own place, except washing my hands when I've come in from something like a grocery run. Sanitizer everywhere seems needless when the conditions and people haven't changed. Makes more sense in public spaces.

    Also, Walkie!!!! Good to see you.

    Thanks, you too :)
    weeeell, TBH. i'm stretching the rules a tad. i'm now employing a neighbour to help with cooking and laundry  and she's  started coming in and out again, since the virus cleared.  i think she counts as a carer (therefore allowed) effectively, but wouldn't like to have to argue that point in court. given that her duties don't include 'personal care".

    Facts are though
    • since i moved into tiny flat  without room for washing machine, and communal laundrry situated  40 yards from my door (and in an unheated outbui;ding FFS).  can'tg get the laundry done without help, at least not without totally crippling myself for next several days
    not to mention annoying fellow residents by falling asleep before laundry is done and inadvertently leaving it in the dryer overnight.
    • since cutting out last traces of corn from diet.. (oh!and i'm now sensitive to  soya too, now, did i say?)  cooking a meal for myself is. on average, just as draining a task as doing the laundry. Cant eat frozen veg, ready meals (no matter how ""free from")  store-bought bread (all GF varieties contain corn). stock cubes, marmite, sauces,  etc, etc.   As a result, can't get anything vaguely approaching a healthy diet without help. 
    [li] as reult of above help, not only am i eating much better, but now have the energy left over to be able to wash myself a lot  more often than once per week (my average since moving, i'm afraid to admit)[/li][/list]

    .Curiously, washing oneself seems to be a much bigger deal. and considerably more vital than any of this other stuff according to social services etc. and it's the thing i'm last willing to ask for help[ with ofc, especially given that I clearly could do it easily enough.  if not so worn out.

    Anyways since neighbour is coming in anyway, we figure she might as well stay and  watch the ten;çlock news with me (she doesn;t have a TV licence) etc.  That's not so annoying as you might think, cos she's autistic too, therefore can understand (via self-reference) the need for certain bounderies. though apt to forget sometimes. ofc. but. anyway,  that's stretching my point even further isn't it?

    Actually.  it's c;ose to ideal, the way things worked out for both of us.  As self-employed she's now lost almost all her income, and the "generous"" new government package doesn't even begin  to plug the actual and immediate hole. So my own small, but ongoing contribution fell into place just when money was desperately needed. Win-win. :)

    But there you are.  I've been atoning for my small trangressions by much handwashing. like you would :LOL:
    « Last Edit: March 28, 2020, 10:37:41 AM by Walkie »

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    Re: Random observations from your day
    « Reply #3995 on: March 28, 2020, 10:48:15 AM »
    My Chive plants are bursting out of the ground!!!!!!!    :2thumbsup:
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    Offline Phoenix

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    Re: Random observations from your day
    « Reply #3996 on: March 28, 2020, 10:56:07 AM »
    I don't know what the hell is going on in Quebec, but their cases are exploding. They weren't anywhere near ON or BC who were neck and neck and then yesterday or the day before, they blew everyone out of the water.

    They changed their testing procedure.
    That would make sense. I hadn't heard that.
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    Offline Walkie

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    Re: Random observations from your day
    « Reply #3997 on: March 28, 2020, 11:54:35 AM »
    My Chive plants are bursting out of the ground!!!!!!!    :2thumbsup:
    ooh! that's good to hear, though i'm also a little bit green with envy. had to leave all my beloved chive plants behind when my landlady kicked me out.   I actually tried growing herbs here, but it was pretty damned  futile. The only part of the "garden" that  I can usefully reach is the exact same part that the local rough sleepers and junkies can usefully  reach.  Ugh!  :zombiefuck:

    Anyways, your post made me smile. in fond remembrance of what was possibly my favourite moment of spring, come to think. So thanks!  :)

    *sigh* Well, at least it's a constant reminder that things could easily be so very much worse for me... though, truth to tell,  i never got the hang of taking comfort in other folks'misery, like you're meant to. That just seems heartless to me! :S . And I can''t help thinking that it's sad for us all that life round here has become so freaking ugly.

    But, hey :) somewhere, chives still burst out of the ground in the spring, and that makes me feel there's a tiny bit of hope for us all.
    « Last Edit: March 28, 2020, 12:15:43 PM by Walkie »

    Offline DirtDawg

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    Re: Random observations from your day
    « Reply #3998 on: March 28, 2020, 12:17:56 PM »

    My front yard is making a statement, for sure. About a third of my daffodils, all my crocuses, very early species tulips and all my alliums are either blooming or about to. Surprised to see the Turkish tulips up and blooming with the others.
    It has been a weird winter. Never really got super cold, like twenty below zero Fahrenheit or anything. Rained a lot. Barely snowed.

    No blooms from the Allium plants, such as decorative garlic, flowering chives, etc. but those types make their first show with stiff spiky foliage. Very fetching. There will not be any blooms from this genus until July, around here.
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    Re: Random observations from your day
    « Reply #3999 on: March 28, 2020, 01:01:50 PM »

    My front yard is making a statement, for sure. About a third of my daffodils, all my crocuses, very early species tulips and all my alliums are either blooming or about to. Surprised to see the Turkish tulips up and blooming with the others.
    It has been a weird winter. Never really got super cold, like twenty below zero Fahrenheit or anything. Rained a lot. Barely snowed.

    No blooms from the Allium plants, such as decorative garlic, flowering chives, etc. but those types make their first show with stiff spiky foliage. Very fetching. There will not be any blooms from this genus until July, around here.
    Really miss having daffodils. There's no winter so they don't grow here.

    Offline Gopher Gary

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    Re: Random observations from your day
    « Reply #4000 on: March 28, 2020, 01:11:45 PM »
    The old couple across the street are sitting in lawnchairs on their front lawn in the sunshine. They're so freaking cute.  :zoinks:

    Offline Walkie

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    Re: Random observations from your day
    « Reply #4001 on: March 28, 2020, 01:48:59 PM »
    ..usual loada overlong drivel....
    Welcome back. The only public testing stations heard of here are drive through.
    Thanks. :) Very, very  nearly  gave you a drive-through plus by way of thanks.  :hide:
    i know, i know, but i'm a bit out of practice/ have a head like a sieve/ whatever

    no offence intended, ever... :apondering:  except when offence really is intended. and that's very rare . and wouldn't ever do that by way of a plus. much too forthright for that  :green: :asthing:

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    Re: Random observations from your day
    « Reply #4002 on: March 28, 2020, 03:16:46 PM »
    The karma system here isn't offensive; it's awkward and creepy.

    Offline Gopher Gary

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    Re: Random observations from your day
    « Reply #4003 on: March 28, 2020, 04:10:07 PM »
    The karma system here isn't offensive; it's awkward and creepy.

    You're awkward and creepy.  :hahaha:

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    Re: Random observations from your day
    « Reply #4004 on: March 28, 2020, 04:42:31 PM »
    Lots of New York cars on the parkway this morning heading North
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