
Author Topic: Random observations from your day  (Read 155557 times)

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3480 on: November 22, 2016, 05:26:36 AM »
Hank of hair and piece of bone, that's my little gopher guy.

(Song lyrics)

  See, there's even a song about it.   :trollskull:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3481 on: November 22, 2016, 05:45:27 AM »
  My morning coffee has a pleasant aftertaste with a hint of sandalwood. :coffee:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3482 on: November 22, 2016, 06:37:23 AM »
SJWs are everywhere... :( People are going *apeshit * over Trump on FB. They're really full of hate, it's actually a bit scary. It's so ironic that (some) anti-Trump people are really being horrible to the Trump voters. How do they think they're going to change anything by unfriending and belittling people?

Offline Walkie

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3483 on: November 22, 2016, 08:36:24 AM »
SJWs are everywhere... :( People are going *apeshit * over Trump on FB. They're really full of hate, it's actually a bit scary. It's so ironic that (some) anti-Trump people are really being horrible to the Trump voters. How do they think they're going to change anything by unfriending and belittling people?

Ooooo, it really is like Brexit, least in one regard  ::)

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3484 on: November 22, 2016, 08:50:30 AM »
SJWs are everywhere... :( People are going *apeshit * over Trump on FB. They're really full of hate, it's actually a bit scary. It's so ironic that (some) anti-Trump people are really being horrible to the Trump voters. How do they think they're going to change anything by unfriending and belittling people?

Ooooo, it really is like Brexit, least in one regard  ::)

I would say it's worse...people are really having a go at Trump supporters on FB. I tried commenting that it was a shame unfriending people was ironically dividing people, which is what they say they're against. I mean, if they want people on their side, hating people and pushing them away isn't going to do it.

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3485 on: November 22, 2016, 08:59:26 AM »
I mean, I'm all for supporting people on benefits, and pro-life is a big deal to me too. I get that I'm not residing in America, but believe big changes can have massive consequences on other countries too. But supposedly my own kind, on "my side" are behaving irresponsibly. How is it responsible to hate on other people and be nasty to them? These SJWs are not only kicking themselves in the foot, but they're going against supposedly their own nature. I get that sitting back doing nothing isn't going to get them anywhere, but neither is unfriending people and heavily shaming them.

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3486 on: November 22, 2016, 09:02:53 AM »
SJWs are everywhere... :( People are going *apeshit * over Trump on FB. They're really full of hate, it's actually a bit scary. It's so ironic that (some) anti-Trump people are really being horrible to the Trump voters. How do they think they're going to change anything by unfriending and belittling people?

Ooooo, it really is like Brexit, least in one regard  ::)

I would say it's worse...people are really having a go at Trump supporters on FB. I tried commenting that it was a shame unfriending people was ironically dividing people, which is what they say they're against. I mean, if they want people on their side, hating people and pushing them away isn't going to do it.

I heard of people being disowned by their families for voting the wrong way on Brexit. And did you read those hate mails Avaaz were sending out, in their ironically entitled "Vote for Love" campaign?  I might see if I can fish one out. I kept 'em for future reference, just in case I ever started trusting Avaaz's opinions  again

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3487 on: November 22, 2016, 09:07:59 AM »
I mean, I'm all for supporting people on benefits, and pro-life is a big deal to me too. I get that I'm not residing in America, but believe big changes can have massive consequences on other countries too. But supposedly my own kind, on "my side" are behaving irresponsibly. How is it responsible to hate on other people and be nasty to them? These SJWs are not only kicking themselves in the foot, but they're going against supposedly their own nature. I get that sitting back doing nothing isn't going to get them anywhere, but neither is unfriending people and heavily shaming them.

Yeah, That's my problem , pretty much. All too often, these people are -purportedly- standing for issues I believe in  :zombiefuck:

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3488 on: November 22, 2016, 09:28:00 AM »
SJWs are everywhere... :( People are going *apeshit * over Trump on FB. They're really full of hate, it's actually a bit scary. It's so ironic that (some) anti-Trump people are really being horrible to the Trump voters. How do they think they're going to change anything by unfriending and belittling people?

Ooooo, it really is like Brexit, least in one regard  ::)

I would say it's worse...people are really having a go at Trump supporters on FB. I tried commenting that it was a shame unfriending people was ironically dividing people, which is what they say they're against. I mean, if they want people on their side, hating people and pushing them away isn't going to do it.

I heard of people being disowned by their families for voting the wrong way on Brexit. And did you read those hate mails Avaaz were sending out, in their ironically entitled "Vote for Love" campaign?  I might see if I can fish one out. I kept 'em for future reference, just in case I ever started trusting Avaaz's opinions  again

I didn't see those, would you show one to me please? Being disowned by their the whole thing screams of irony.

I mean, I'm all for supporting people on benefits, and pro-life is a big deal to me too. I get that I'm not residing in America, but believe big changes can have massive consequences on other countries too. But supposedly my own kind, on "my side" are behaving irresponsibly. How is it responsible to hate on other people and be nasty to them? These SJWs are not only kicking themselves in the foot, but they're going against supposedly their own nature. I get that sitting back doing nothing isn't going to get them anywhere, but neither is unfriending people and heavily shaming them.

Yeah, That's my problem , pretty much. All too often, these people are -purportedly- standing for issues I believe in  :zombiefuck:

Perhaps we should unfriend them and form our own group! Haters!

..Not that I've ever remained friends with one before they've got rid of me.

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3489 on: November 22, 2016, 10:05:27 AM »
Both Carla and myself were "unfriended" by her uncle and aunt for our "liberal" leanings.  But, they are wealthy and privileged and likely to be further enriched by trumpty numpty and his cadre of oligarch's. 

Hate crimes are up against gays, transgenders, Women who speak their minds and fight for their right's,  minorities.  Creationism now has major support in Washington to be the "new" science taught country wide.  Corporations are employing strong arm tactics against native people's who are blocking their ruthless path to mine and exploit resources without regard to property rights or environmental protections.  Plus, we have a president who is so thin skinned that he can't take even a smidgen of the abuse and criticism that has been heaped on past presidents, especially Obama.  He wants to employ strong arm tactics against the media and anybody who dares to use the 1st amendment right of free speech against him and his fellow oligarch's.  Plus, he wants to put his family members into high government positions.  Almost like a 3rd world dictatorship.  It's going to be interesting for the next few years. 

I know, I know, that statistics can be found here and there to buttress anybodies differing opinion.  So all some of us can do is watch, speak out and hope for the best...or prepare for the worst.......
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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3490 on: November 22, 2016, 05:01:45 PM »
A film crew was shooting outside a local garage.

Do you know what they are making?  The last year or two they have been filming a couple movies around my town one was some Lifetime Network thing and the other some Indie move that just came out not sure what the name is but it was in the paper.  It's a weird feeling watching a trailer and seeing places you go past all the time.

Hard to say. I got the idea it is a feature film or a TV production rather than a commercial, but I can't really point out why.

They shot a film in Gothenburg a couple of years ago, one that I later watched on TV. There was a car chase through the city and while I instantly recognised the locations, they took a lot of liberties with both the distances involved and where you'd actually have to drive to get from A to B. Sort of amusing, but it completely ruined the film for me.

Ah, yes.  The ubiquitous New Orleans Mountains in the background, everyone says ,"Cher," we all practice voodoo, etc.

I know you do. :zoinks:
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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3491 on: November 22, 2016, 06:10:49 PM »
Hank of hair and piece of bone, that's my little gopher guy.

(Song lyrics)

 :lol1:   :plus:

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3492 on: November 22, 2016, 06:40:11 PM »
A film crew was shooting outside a local garage.

Do you know what they are making?  The last year or two they have been filming a couple movies around my town one was some Lifetime Network thing and the other some Indie move that just came out not sure what the name is but it was in the paper.  It's a weird feeling watching a trailer and seeing places you go past all the time.

Hard to say. I got the idea it is a feature film or a TV production rather than a commercial, but I can't really point out why.

They shot a film in Gothenburg a couple of years ago, one that I later watched on TV. There was a car chase through the city and while I instantly recognised the locations, they took a lot of liberties with both the distances involved and where you'd actually have to drive to get from A to B. Sort of amusing, but it completely ruined the film for me.

Ah, yes.  The ubiquitous New Orleans Mountains in the background, everyone says ,"Cher," we all practice voodoo, etc.

I know you do. :zoinks:

Yeah, but I'm embarrassed about the seances.
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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3493 on: November 23, 2016, 04:25:14 PM »
Saw a helicopter land on top of the hospital I was working next to today
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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #3494 on: November 25, 2016, 12:26:23 AM »
canadian thanksgiving was in october. we are nonetheless having black friday sales here. sadly, i need to go get a printer that isn't part of the sale. hopefully since it's a regular work day it won't be too crowded.
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