Author Topic: Random observations from your day  (Read 157646 times)

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2985 on: January 07, 2016, 10:14:18 AM »
Listening to a radio DJ asking how people pack for vacations, and a woman comes on and says her husband starts packing six weeks before, decides the clothes are wrong, repacks, then decides the suitcase is the wrong size, then maybe not enough gadgets, then the suitcase is wrong and maybe they need a new one...

This is how I pack (gadgets and power cords are important!) - wonder if it's a guy thing. Py throws a bunch of clothing in a suitcase, a bag with bathroom stuff and packs her backpack with art stuff and a change of clothes and she's done in a single night.

Suitcases and backpacks are gadgets. My current backpack has 11 pockets. Haven't been tempted to buy another since I got it.

Sounds more like an OCD thing.  I pack the night before or the morning of, usually straight from the laundry basket.

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2986 on: January 07, 2016, 12:00:55 PM »
Ask Lady Weeble.
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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2987 on: January 07, 2016, 03:50:46 PM »
I pack it all a week before and I tend to go overboard.

I actually have a spare coffee maker just for vacation purposes...heaven forbid I have to wait in line in the lobby to get a cup of coffee in the morning and carry on a conversation with some talkative morning person I do not know.

Plus if they actually provide one in the room who knows when they've cleaned it last.  :P


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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2988 on: January 08, 2016, 01:57:50 AM »
I pack the night before, bringing as little as possible.
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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2989 on: January 08, 2016, 02:06:27 AM »
We were about to park in a car park, yesterday, and observed what probably was the worst driver ever try to get out of the space we wanted. What should have been a question of backing out and then turning the wheel to the left took about ten minutes of indescribable maneuvering. I was in stitches.

I should have filmed it.
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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2990 on: January 08, 2016, 01:22:22 PM »
I pack it all a week before and I tend to go overboard.

I actually have a spare coffee maker just for vacation purposes...heaven forbid I have to wait in line in the lobby to get a cup of coffee in the morning and carry on a conversation with some talkative morning person I do not know.

Plus if they actually provide one in the room who knows when they've cleaned it last.  :P
We bring a rice cooker. It's a tiny one that makes 3 cups of cooked rice. Among other things, we've done scrambled eggs and cake in hotel rooms.
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Offline WolFish

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2991 on: January 09, 2016, 08:28:11 AM »
The exchange rate is approaching 1.42 CDN for 1 USD. I changed some money when it was at 1.40 but it's predicted to get worse (better?) so I am waiting.
So it's worth 0.7055 USD right now
The record is 0.6198 in mid-Jan of 2002.

Most of the dips seem to be during winter: late Dec through Feb. Wonder why winter is so bad for the Canadian economy? You'd think they'd be used to it.
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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2992 on: January 09, 2016, 06:27:28 PM »
Listening to a radio DJ asking how people pack for vacations, and a woman comes on and says her husband starts packing six weeks before, decides the clothes are wrong, repacks, then decides the suitcase is the wrong size, then maybe not enough gadgets, then the suitcase is wrong and maybe they need a new one...

This is how I pack (gadgets and power cords are important!) - wonder if it's a guy thing. Py throws a bunch of clothing in a suitcase, a bag with bathroom stuff and packs her backpack with art stuff and a change of clothes and she's done in a single night.

Suitcases and backpacks are gadgets. My current backpack has 11 pockets. Haven't been tempted to buy another since I got it.

Sounds more like an OCD thing.  I pack the night before or the morning of, usually straight from the laundry basket.

  Me too, but always with the aid of a list, otherwise who knows what I'll forget!  :spaz:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2993 on: January 09, 2016, 06:29:36 PM »
Ask Lady Weeble.

  OCD manifests differently from person to person.  :nerd!:  Maybe this man does indeed have OCD-derived
  concerns about packing "correctly," or maybe he's just an anxious traveler.  I overpack, but with little anxiety.
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

"We are grateful for the time we have been given."
--- Edward Walker, The Village

People forget.
--- The Who, "Eminence Front"

Offline WolFish

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2994 on: January 11, 2016, 01:37:59 AM »
Ask Lady Weeble.

  OCD manifests differently from person to person.  :nerd!:  Maybe this man does indeed have OCD-derived
  concerns about packing "correctly," or maybe he's just an anxious traveler.  I overpack, but with little anxiety.

Mine is train wreck derived. I am afraid that I will forget something I will need. If everything is in it's pouch and in the right place in the suitcase then I can rest a little easier.
Mark Twain: “Never argue with a [troll], onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”


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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2995 on: January 11, 2016, 04:21:22 PM »
Not so much my observation as that of my  GP Doc.

I went in for a complete physical this morning.
Doc was pleased that my weight is down some, my blood pressure is perfect (with correctional drugs that have been prescribed), my lungs are clear and healthy (he asked again if I still smoked - I said yes. He said he was surprised, because my lungs sound clear deep and healthy, not like a smoker's lungs - I told him I was getting more exercise these days), my muscle tone is good (I told him that I was able to do some biking before the weather got so bad and I am starting to work out more heavily again on my four hundred pound punching bag since my hip seems to be all healed now) and that I was a specimen of excellent health.

BUT, as I was complaining about rather severe leg cramps keeping me awake at nights after hard exercise and what I perceived as difficulty in rebuilding muscle in my lower extremities, he ordered some blood tests to determine if my thyroid is performing properly and to find if I have low testosterone levels. At my age either are likely causes of muscle cramps after eliminating all the more common causes related to dehydration and grossly improper diet. Also my magnesium levels are to be suspected, despite my improved diet.

All in all, though, I passed the physical!

I was actually a little worried about it, but we will see what all that bloodwork tells us.
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Ghandi: Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2996 on: January 11, 2016, 06:05:39 PM »
Ask Lady Weeble.

  OCD manifests differently from person to person.  :nerd!:  Maybe this man does indeed have OCD-derived
  concerns about packing "correctly," or maybe he's just an anxious traveler.  I overpack, but with little anxiety.

OOPS.  I was being a smartie and implying that Lady Weeble did my packing, so I wasn't able to contribute to the topic.
A good monarch is a treasure. A good politician is an oxymoron.

My brain is both uninhibited and uninhabited.


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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2997 on: January 12, 2016, 04:32:58 PM »
Parts postcount is almost the phonenumber of my brother. It misses one number.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

Offline odeon

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2998 on: January 21, 2016, 11:45:11 AM »
People are idiots.

I wish this was really random but I'm afraid it isn't. I've had ample evidence of this throughout the day.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Random observations from your day
« Reply #2999 on: January 21, 2016, 12:35:51 PM »
Making reply 3000 in this thread.
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!