Yesterday I nearly got covered under a 6 ft high stack of wired cages, filled with raisins, flour and powdered sugar in the supermarket. It was highly unstable, and I was lucky to notice it topping over at a point where I was able to push it back up. So, I wanted to warn someone that a disaster was bound to happen. Saw a girl, got her attention, she wanted me to wait. I said it was urgent. That very moment another employee brushed the side of the stack, and the whole contraption fell over. Thank goodness no one in the dangerzone. And I said: "That was what I wanted to tell you."
I had forgotten something, and had to go back to that shop. Saw the same contraption standing again, with the shop-owner next to it. Asked him if he thought it was safe now. He said now they had stored the stuff inside more balanced. Yeah, right, as if customers do not change the carefully found balance when they go looking through the stuff. So, I advised him to secure it with something like tie down straps.
Weird, how some people have no notion about weight, balance, simple physics and behaviour of customers in a shop.

Funny, other shop in my village, that owner checked everything that could possibly have a kid climbing in or on it by climbing on it himself.