Apparently you can't talk about race without being a racist.
Segregation 1
Humanity 0
It's a pest. Where PC talk was meant to make people be more respectful towards each other, it is being used more and more to make conversations impossible or utterly disrespectful.
I agree. The thing is...PC is a one size fits all bandaid. But conversation is one on one. It's never one size fits all. PC is good for speech givers for leaders who are speaking to diverse peoples... but for folks getting to know one another it doesn't seem to help. I'm guilty of reacting to it as well... Rage is one of the people who have helped me get over it better. dunno where he is tho... 
Rage hates rich people too, so that's a good choice. 
I don't hate rich people. I dislike entitled rich folk.
Most of them will not be aware. It's not a matter of if they could be aware. If you want you can dig up lots of information. But you have to be aware of something, before you start looking for that.
And even then. People will focus on an area in life they want to be aware of, being aware of everything is a task too big for most mortals.
That always get me....My thought process: I can't imagine the average person worrying over even a little of this stuff without being nervous wrecks. So, I wonder, "ffks, how does change happen if not voluntarily?" Will it take a catastrophe before anything will change? but for things like- say climate change or bad international relations- a catastrophe is too -if there is any logic/law to the survival our species -"there must be a way for change to start occurring voluntarily without a catastrophe prompt, without people becoming ineffective nervous wrecks".....but how???
I've been reading Mengzi and he has some sound advice on this. Speaking of which, here is a random observation:
The ch'i, or qi, in chinese is pictured below. It is actually two pictures, the lower left is rice, and the three lines above it, and trailing to the right is the steam. the ch'i is the steam coming off of the cooked rice...a life force, an energy, or breath. Pretty cool eh?