More like a mantra to my daughter than a random observation of one day. A continuing instruction:
And it stains almost as much as mustard.
And doesn't taste near as good.
Some would disagree. The issue has its own Wikipedia page.
Disagree ALL YOU WANT, BUT try raising a child to eat properly who will not eat anything that does not pass the squish test.
I "pray" that my daughter never finds that page.
She is so brilliant, but yet so autistic. She is averted from food which does not pass the squish test. YES, she always puts her hands into her food before she picks up a fork. Squish test is like GOD. She will not like the foood if it does not feel right.
Catsup feels right. Certain noodles are OK, certain others are not OK. Breads are usually fine, but how do you raise a child with proper nutrition who only eats bread and noodles and an occasional cheese with the random peanut butter sandwich thrown in for curiosity and sometimes a toast with PBJ?
Yes, we have already gone nuts with mineral and vitamin enriched peanut butters homemade and made our own with kale mixed in or mixtures of grains.
If it feels right, then she will eat it.
When she was young, like toddling, she would NOT eat anything we made, but would eat any worm or insect she found in the garden. If it was not winter, everything frozen, etc, if I could spike her PBJs with insects and worms from the garden?
I have got to figure a way to get protein into this child's body, aside from PBJs.