Flat pack furniture is evil
Yeah, I have bought some, recently.
Remorse comes with the assembly, but the result is often worth the effort.
Our new home is very modern. So, some widgety looking items go with what we already have.
Fucking Trane AC unit though. One year old. I had thought that all our expenditures upon saving this old house were going to waste, but two year old water heater, two year old water treatment (can not live in Indiana without some form of water treatment), one year old furnace and AC. Two year old roof. We are not losing anything with the new home.
The funny part is that we bought this home at auction. WTF!! Really! Never even imagined that we could have won an auction for a home. But, we did.
Life is good for us. Do well, Parts. I love your input. Do more!
I have already donated the spare washer and dryer, but the microwave (another one year old item) need to go to a family somewhere who needs it. I have a spare range as well. .... and mirrors, FFS!! Too damn many mirrors!