Is there an ebook? or rather, whats the ISSBN? because I've ways and means of finding books online.
That sounds like an interesting read. And it makes you think of me QV my dear? it makes ME think of me
Well not the 12yo girl bit, I've never been one of those. Probably never going to be either
But the way I was into chemistry even before I had the means to practice the art myself, beyond simple experiments and forays into plant biochemistry. LOL QV...I started a lot younger though with the reading. Teaching myself to read, apparently, with a mycology textbook at 4yo, and then eagerly devouring more of the same, and books on plant chemistry, botany and herbal medicine.
Things just went on from there really. For an awfully long time now, I've been pretty sure that I was from the moment I was anything more than a ball of a few cells, destined to become a chemist and biologist, with a fair bit of an interest in both condensed matter physics and particle physics.
Do tell me what this book is called QV, so I can download it myself.