Everyone does it Duke. The difference is, others tend to prevent it fom being just about everything that comes out of their mouth. EVERYONE has problems, not just you. Its alright to have occasional pity parties, but goddamn. Every time I see you, you're bitching and moaning. Harden up.
I applaud you for trying but I really don't know what you're going accomplish , he's just too stubborn to change , tis a shame really. 
Unfortunately, Pent, like a few here, thinks we all were beamed into the world from a golden orb, and ever since, it's been pretty much smooth sailing.
I tend to think the compulsive moaners now, are actually the ones who have had it easiest.
I agree.
(Emo moan moment

) Personally I think , that those who moan haven't had it as hard as they think , they percieve it to be hard and difficult due to struggling , I personally have had battles with depression , school , eating disorders etc etc in the last few years , and in a way I'm glad I have , It's made me stronger and helped me grow a thicker skin.
It's also taught me to shut it and keep my problems to myself , there is a time and a place for venting and whining , public forums 24/7 are NEITHER of those two.

I NEVER give up, Squidster! 
And I loled, Eclair. I think I get your drift. 
I hadn't noticed