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i just found a cell phone

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ahh so its just an emergency phone gotcha. either way i'm keeping it as a cool thing i found.


--- Quote from: richard on October 30, 2006, 01:09:35 PM ---ahh so its just an emergency phone gotcha. either way i'm keeping it as a cool thing i found.

--- End quote ---
911 system can track where the phone is so they nowhere the call came from. My phone can be tracked at any time.

Any neighbors that live near by where You found the phone?

Does it have phone book and have a number that says mom, dad, sister, brother, etc. etc.?

Does it have the phone company logo anywhere on the phone most do?

holy shit. it has a bunch of nakid pictures of the owner of the cell phone on it! :laugh:

oh sorry dude yeah it has a bunch of peoples addreseses on there, and i found it under a tunnel/bridge i walk under. not really any residential neghbourhoods around i think someone just droped it out of there pocket while riding a bike.

Does it have phone company logo on it if so take it to them.

Man or woman? ;D


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